Yes this is the 21st Century, times change, people change, things change.
Swinging has evolved from the original days of car keys and couples.
BDSM, Voyeurism, dogging, cuckolding exhibitionism are just a few of the activities that have been incorporated into the scene.
The cosistent factors which should remain are:
Give and take.
Being non-judgemental (difficult for human beings)
live and let live
What we do is not to everyones liking, we swingers above all should understand that others dont share our views and let them get on with it.
When I go to the supermarket people do things I dont like, they push trollies into me, they leave trolleys in the middle of the aisle so I cant get past, they stand chatting in groups in the middle of the walkways making passage impossible.
Life is like that, in everything we do we will find people who have no respect for others, I have a choice like everyone else, I can use local shops and keep out of the supermarkets, I can go to swing clubs and keep off the internet sites
There are disrespectfull single males, couples, single females and many hyporcrits, there are many nice, polite, respectfull genuine people.
Always an interesting one this. The vanilla world in large considers swinging to be consensual sex between married couples or people in long term relationships. So people arriving here from the vanilla world surprise surprise expect to find exactly that. I can see and remember myself how signing up placing an ad and getting 6 messages from singles can be a bit what the fuck! when you first arrive. My own personal interpretation is that swinging has not taken in various other activities and singles ....
Swinging is consensual sex between married couples or couples in long term relationships.
A couple both having sex with another Male/female is a threesome.
Dogging is a car park activity that we neither want to take part in or agree with.
Each to their own. We are all here under this banner of Swingingheaven but I would not call everyone here a swinger and thats me and Mrs Tweeky included. To me this is sex site with various people looking for various activities. If that cannot be accepted and you cannot ignore the people you dont want to partake in activities with then this probably is not the place for you.
Personally as one of the ladies who gets her boobs and bits out on cam I ignore the whipsers from any unwelcome source, the married guys are just as bad and so are fems who whisper, I acknowlege comments in the room with a reply or a thanks and a smile, I`m very rarely rude to other users in chat and find that just one quick reminder of the rules sorts the problem if they become a problem. We to get mail from guys, some polite some presumptious in thinking we will be interested, even tho we aren`t looking for guys and a quick no thanks usually sorts that too. I would say most guys are very well behaved and then other get the blood rush and it goes from their brains and makes them act like numpties
However I suppose the answer to the original questions is yes, we have to put up with them and they have to put up with the obnoxious and rude behaviour of some couples and fems who also forget how to just say "no thank you".
I welcome attention from "single males" unfortunately they are few and far between
Dean n mrs BMW seem to have covered the bases.
There's far more folk on SH we don't want to play with than we do want to play with. Thats life.
All said n done its a community website not dial a fuck.