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Are the tv commercials getting too way out?

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37 replies
6 watchers
Lately there have been more ads. on tv which have left me completely bewildered and wondering what on earth they have to do with the thing they are selling. Or maybe its just me not being brainy enough to keep up with these marketing ideas :shock: There are three which I find particularly mystifying as to what message they are trying to get across.
In one some guy throws himself down 2 very steep embankments just so he can land in front of a car and tell the driver what a great car it is rolleyes What the hell is all that about.
Then in another car ad we get some guy being chased through the streets, up stairs and down alleys by a trouser press redface :shock: confused:
And what the hell has some guy and some gal in the States spouting Shakespear at each otther have to do with selling jeans :roll:
These make the 'if its on the tin' guy seem intelligent and witty!!
What, if any, ads irritate you guys???
love the ads
fav at the moment is
nobbys nuts
Quote by redstilletto
love the ads
fav at the moment is
nobbys nuts
And there was me thinking it was Noddy's Nuts wink
the very fact you remember them means they have don't have to like them...sometimes the agency will make them deliberatly irrating....but you still remember advert that just washes over you and you can't remember in 5 minutes time was a total waste of money....
Quote by gummy
love the ads
fav at the moment is
nobbys nuts
And there was me thinking it was Noddy's Nuts wink
:wink: 3 geezers trying to have a nibble on nobby
you seen it to huh
We used to play a game hum that tune and name the ad, if you didn't guess you had a forfeit to pay lol Was good at parties. 69position
:love: xxx
Quote by cuddlyk
Lately there have been more ads. on tv which have left me completely bewildered and wondering what on earth they have to do with the thing they are selling. Or maybe its just me not being brainy enough to keep up with these marketing ideas :shock: There are three which I find particularly mystifying as to what message they are trying to get across.
In one some guy throws himself down 2 very steep embankments just so he can land in front of a car and tell the driver what a great car it is rolleyes What the hell is all that about.
Then in another car ad we get some guy being chased through the streets, up stairs and down alleys by a trouser press redface :shock: confused:
And what the hell has some guy and some gal in the States spouting Shakespear at each otther have to do with selling jeans :roll:
These make the 'if its on the tin' guy seem intelligent and witty!!
What, if any, ads irritate you guys???

The first one flummoxed me until I saw the start and his friend is on top of the mountain with an injured leg, so he sets off to get help.
The second one is just weird and the third I thought was rather clever, and different.
Quote by redstilletto
love the ads
fav at the moment is
nobbys nuts

haha yea thats superb!
Ads aren't getting too way out, they're just being allowed to push the limits a bit more...
the legend that is bill hicks once said, and i quote , if anyone here is into markerting shoot yourselves!! . you are satans spawn filling up the world with filth and bile. theres no joke comming, kill yourselves!! lol .
those wrigleys chewy adverts drive me mad, like were all suposed to feel soo amazing by putting abit of chewy on our gobs, and some how by doing that will enrich our lives confused. ill stick to listerine strips at least they make blow jobs more interesting lol
I think the reason for this type of ad vert is to alert your subconcious mind to the product!
Im no expert and to be honest when the ads come on I usually flick channels etc but I instantly recognised what ads you were talking about and what they were trying to promote even though I cant remember actually sitting and watching them!
I think that nowadays the consumer is a lot more savvy than a few years back when all it needed was Linda Bellingham telling you that Bisto gravy were great!
So rather than try to sell a product to you, the boffins that make the ads concentrate on consumer awareness...for instance everyone knows that Volvo make safe cars because they have been subconciuosly conditioned to associate Volvo with safe cars etc!
I hope that any of this made sense!!!!!
Quote by essfortee
I think the reason for this type of ad vert is to alert your subconcious mind to the product!
Im no expert and to be honest when the ads come on I usually flick channels etc but I instantly recognised what ads you were talking about and what they were trying to promote even though I cant remember actually sitting and watching them!
I think that nowadays the consumer is a lot more savvy than a few years back when all it needed was Linda Bellingham telling you that Bisto gravy were great!
So rather than try to sell a product to you, the boffins that make the ads concentrate on consumer awareness...for instance everyone knows that Volvo make safe cars because they have been subconciuosly conditioned to associate Volvo with safe cars etc!
I hope that any of this made sense!!!!!

no ......... :grin:
Quote by rachel-lane
the legend that is bill hicks once said, and i quote , if anyone here is into markerting shoot yourselves!! . you are satans spawn filling up the world with filth and bile. theres no joke comming, kill yourselves!! lol .
those wrigleys chewy adverts drive me mad, like were all suposed to feel soo amazing by putting abit of chewy on our gobs, and some how by doing that will enrich our lives confused. ill stick to listerine strips at least they make blow jobs more interesting lol

Yes please Rachel wink and I'll return the favour :wink:
Quote by redstilletto
I think the reason for this type of ad vert is to alert your subconcious mind to the product!
Im no expert and to be honest when the ads come on I usually flick channels etc but I instantly recognised what ads you were talking about and what they were trying to promote even though I cant remember actually sitting and watching them!
I think that nowadays the consumer is a lot more savvy than a few years back when all it needed was Linda Bellingham telling you that Bisto gravy were great!
So rather than try to sell a product to you, the boffins that make the ads concentrate on consumer awareness...for instance everyone knows that Volvo make safe cars because they have been subconciuosly conditioned to associate Volvo with safe cars etc!
I hope that any of this made sense!!!!!

no ......... :grin:
Me either biggrin
this thread makes me think of calisters cillit bang remix she found, now if the adds were like that buy that for a doller lol
the advert for the soft drink sprite, now there must be some brain storm big head out there that could geneticly modify a monkey, or cat , or something into a sprite as a pet. i sooo want one bugger the the drink . i want a sprite , how cute !!
And how about that new "Hair Monster", can't remember the hair product but in this ad a small "troll-like" monster lives in your hair apparently giving you "bad hair"... tho the little blighter looks so not evil...
Quote by Benji Barnicals
And how about that new "Hair Monster", can't remember the hair product but in this ad a small "troll-like" monster lives in your hair apparently giving you "bad hair"... tho the little blighter looks so not evil...

oh ive got vivariums all set up ready for all three. they will be mine :twisted:
Quote by rachel-lane
And how about that new "Hair Monster", can't remember the hair product but in this ad a small "troll-like" monster lives in your hair apparently giving you "bad hair"... tho the little blighter looks so not evil...

oh ive got vivariums all set up ready for all three. they will be mine :twisted:
smile along with the sprite monster? interbreed tho two and you'll get one sprite loving pet with a bad hair doo! biggrin
Quote by deancannock
the very fact you remember them means they have don't have to like them...sometimes the agency will make them deliberatly irrating....but you still remember advert that just washes over you and you can't remember in 5 minutes time was a total waste of money....

No doubt that is true for many people, but not for an awkward git like me. :twisted: If I see an advertisement that profoundly irritates me, I will not buy the product as a matter of principle. lol
Oh, & I haven't got a clue what the chasing trouser press advert is about, so that fails completely. rolleyes Anyway some adverts appear to be designed to win awards, rather than appeal to customers!!!
Quote by rachel-lane
And how about that new "Hair Monster", can't remember the hair product but in this ad a small "troll-like" monster lives in your hair apparently giving you "bad hair"... tho the little blighter looks so not evil...

oh ive got vivariums all set up ready for all three. they will be mine :twisted:
not if ii get 'em first!!!! I love them little creatures.
and I am so terribly terribly glad many of you don't understand the 'trouser press' ad. When mr. ocky and I first saw it we figured this was yet another British thing we just don't get. I don't even remember what that ad is selling...
on the subject of ads, I thought some of you might enjoy this review of a recent american food chains' ad campaign: Meat and Porn
Quote by HungryP
If I see an advertisement that profoundly irritates me, I will not buy the product as a matter of principle. lol

Same here, Hungry P, I'm glad there are a few more of us around.
One type of ad that particularly irks me is the "smug git" type of ad, where a person in the ad feels superior to others, and makes fun of them, e.g. for not going to Specsavers. Makes me HATE the product or service concerned. mad
So do the ads work or not. Certainly Nobby's Nuts and the hair/sprite gizmos have caught your attention, but have they increased sales?
I take Deancannock's point that the advertisers have done their job because I remember the ad., but in truth I know it is for a car but I cannot remeber which one :shock:
Essforth kind of backs this up by remembering Linda Billingham and her family sad , but she was the OXO mum, not Bisto redface I tend to join the same camp as HungryP and Mikenorth. If an ad. pisses me off then I do not buy the product. Likewise I will have anything to do with Vodaphone because they sponsor Man. Utd. mad
I remember doing one of those induction quizzes which seem to be the vogue these days when you join a new company. Instead of just telling you about the company you also have to 'bond' :shock: Anyway one of the questions was "What advert did Leonard Rossiter and Joan Collins star in?" The majority of us put Martini when it was, in fact Campari surprisedops:
Maybe the smart alec advertising guys aren't always as smart as they like to think they are :o lol
I reckon I must be the advertisers' worst nightmare, as I don't watch the adverts anymore. I rarely watch television and when I do, I always channel hop during the adverts. I find adverts irritate me these days and I tend to avoid Commercial radio for the same reason.
My favourite used to be the Flake advert, with the woman in the field biting into the chocolate bar. I also liked the Shake & Vac advert - that music was really catchy!
My favorite at present is
Cant stand the car, LOVE the commercial!
Quote by MikeNorth
If I see an advertisement that profoundly irritates me, I will not buy the product as a matter of principle. lol

Same here, Hungry P, I'm glad there are a few more of us around.
One type of ad that particularly irks me is the "smug git" type of ad, where a person in the ad feels superior to others, and makes fun of them, e.g. for not going to Specsavers. Makes me HATE the product or service concerned. mad
^^^^spot the guy who didn't go to Specsavers!^^^^^^^ :mrgreen:
I think the quality of ads these days are great very inventive and some very funny biggrin
The most unacceptable ad for me is the sausage ad where he puts two sausages in the microwave oven and the dog attacks him and ends up slapping him with a wet towel causing the girlfriend to leave in total disgust. I think this ad has gone over the line of acceptability - you do not mix food, sex and dogs, no matter how perverted you are! confused
Quote by JudyTV
Dot let it bother you honey. wink
There are several things that come to mind that are far worse than the dog and sausage advert. In fact I find many thing in life quite disgusting, people vomiting in the street, people spitting in public, parents who allow their children to litter our streets especially outside my flat, guys pissing against my car wheels, people defecating in lifts, people who put their finger against one nostril and blow their nose, either on a football pitch or in the street. People who leave fast food take-away containers and packaging all over the place. The list is endless
Most of the above I have little or no control over but with regard to dogs and sausages (which is legal and hurts no one really ) I have the ultimate weapon, which is the on / off button on the remote. After all if it is legal, hurts no one and doesn’t leave a mess outside (Especially outside my flat) I give a certain tolerance to all of those things and do not worry about over much. TV adverts come a long, long way down my list of things that I find unacceptable and piss me off.
However each to his own, having a hotdog whilst watching a porn video would come under the heading of Food, dogs and sex as well now that is perverted, but what the hell, don’t knock it until you have tried it. :P
Just me being silly on a lovely sunny Saturday. Im off out in short while to make the most of the sunshine, might even get myself a hotdog in town. :P

<grovel mode on>
Can I say what a breath of fresh air your posts are, they're always well written, sensible well needed and light hearted when not!! I just love readig them worship
<grovel mode off>
Have you got the Pot Noddle Horn ? Started to annoy me but wish my horn was that big LOL :twisted: :twisted:
*sings "AARRRRRRRRR WHITESZZ ARRrrrrrrrrrrrr WHITESZZZ.....Arrrrr WHITES lemurna. .yay..ade....I'm a secret lemonade drinker.... R WHITES lemonnnnaaaaaaaaaayyyaaaayyyaaaadddddeeeee... am ...a ...secret... lemonade.. drinker!!!"
I can still remember that from about 15years ago when I was about 10. That was very obscure.