love the ads
fav at the moment is
nobbys nuts
the very fact you remember them means they have don't have to like them...sometimes the agency will make them deliberatly irrating....but you still remember advert that just washes over you and you can't remember in 5 minutes time was a total waste of money....
I think the reason for this type of ad vert is to alert your subconcious mind to the product!
Im no expert and to be honest when the ads come on I usually flick channels etc but I instantly recognised what ads you were talking about and what they were trying to promote even though I cant remember actually sitting and watching them!
I think that nowadays the consumer is a lot more savvy than a few years back when all it needed was Linda Bellingham telling you that Bisto gravy were great!
So rather than try to sell a product to you, the boffins that make the ads concentrate on consumer awareness...for instance everyone knows that Volvo make safe cars because they have been subconciuosly conditioned to associate Volvo with safe cars etc!
I hope that any of this made sense!!!!!
the advert for the soft drink sprite, now there must be some brain storm big head out there that could geneticly modify a monkey, or cat , or something into a sprite as a pet. i sooo want one bugger the the drink . i want a sprite , how cute !!
And how about that new "Hair Monster", can't remember the hair product but in this ad a small "troll-like" monster lives in your hair apparently giving you "bad hair"... tho the little blighter looks so not evil...
I reckon I must be the advertisers' worst nightmare, as I don't watch the adverts anymore. I rarely watch television and when I do, I always channel hop during the adverts. I find adverts irritate me these days and I tend to avoid Commercial radio for the same reason.
My favourite used to be the Flake advert, with the woman in the field biting into the chocolate bar. I also liked the Shake & Vac advert - that music was really catchy!
My favorite at present is
Cant stand the car, LOVE the commercial!
Have you got the Pot Noddle Horn ? Started to annoy me but wish my horn was that big LOL :twisted: :twisted:
*sings "AARRRRRRRRR WHITESZZ ARRrrrrrrrrrrrr WHITESZZZ.....Arrrrr WHITES lemurna. .yay..ade....I'm a secret lemonade drinker.... R WHITES lemonnnnaaaaaaaaaayyyaaaayyyaaaadddddeeeee... am ...a ...secret... lemonade.. drinker!!!"
I can still remember that from about 15years ago when I was about 10. That was very obscure.