How many times are we reminded by Islamic proponents that it's the religion of peace, understanding, tolerance and forgiveness and it's the West that is the big bad place.
Any sleight and they are up in arms, calling for death to the infidels yet see nothing wrong with their depiction of Jews as pigs and the subjugation of their own women.
Oh and we we won't talk about the Darfur massacre either, much better to threaten a woman with capitol punishment.
Our country has its faults but we can be proud of its hard-fought freedoms and tolerance.
How can you call this civilisation? Our apathy will allow this to happen here... then where would a little fun swinging be...!!! Think, people, your minds are being warped.!
a question:
Not sure if I heard correctly, but wasn't this woamn a christian missionary in a Muslim country?
Is that not a rather dangerous thing to be?
will they collectively stone the whole class?
They chose the name after all
Her choice to live/work in that country. When in rome.....
I for one am shocked any one of you can agree she deserves this...
Now... there government has now agreed she should be charged. This is the same goverment who takes aid from us to feed the very people she was helping.. Without people like her going what would they have? She made a mistake... we have all made worse ones. To have this hanging over her is a disgrace.. barbaric and deserves a responce worthy of holding a British passport.. Protection!
Faith schools are biased toward their own religion - others are multi-cultural. Kids aren't brainwashed.
In reply to mdr2000.
The laws of other country's are thier's, if we choose to work/holiday in different country's we must abide by thier laws.
I thought this was going to be a sensible thread, but some people need to chill out.
I don't think she deliberately meant to cause any offence. However she must've been naive not to think this could be mis-construed. She's being made an example out of by the authorities.
However, ignorance is no excuse.
Being British doesn't give anyone the right to think they can go to another country and break their law. Thankfully the days of the empire are over.
Its about time some of you realised this, and stopped waving your passport about. You sound just as bad as the extremists who want Britain to change its way of life.
There's more important things to worry about. Has anyone noticed the fuel price at the pumps?
i think its too many people stinking their noses in where its not wanted because it sells newspapers/media
media makes small comment
comment is reacted upon ( founded or not)
reactions fly
wars is mentioned in media
wars sells papers
meadia barons make money
No its not because its a white british woman, its solely because its a woman.
But whats protesting near parliament got to do with giving a teddy a name? if calling a teddy mohammed is breaking their laws (not sure which law as noboby has showed it) surely calling you child mohammed is too, after all you don't name your toys, pets etc with names to disrespect anyone, you give them names you like.
Its all very well saying to people "well if your in another country you have to abide by their laws"...but what about common sense...this is a UK law
It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British king or queen’s image upside-down
so if our government started prosecuting people for doing this and i bet alot of people have...would it be acase of "ok i broke the law do what you have to do"....or would you hope common sense would step in...this woman is being made an example of of...and it amazes me some people can't see that.
so the Sudanese consulate has been "dressed down" by Milliband. Don't make me laugh!
Bit like being mauled by a dead sheep IMHO.
We should issue the threat to immediately withdraw ALL foreign aid to this bunch of idiots if a single hair on this teacher's head is harmed and re-establish this Country as a World power.
The people of Liverpool (where the teacher hails from) are not given to the niceties of political correctness when one of their own is threatened in this way. The people of Sudan should be on notice that they will have overstayed their welcome if their Government does not intervene NOW and stop this stupidity.