lets face it we dont go down the street with banners saying gay pride n f'ck u but would u do it n say swing pride do we live online but cover in real life n denigh us all when it comes to life ??
As with the gay community. i expect we as a swinging couple dont really mind people knowing that we swing. A problem arises with the effect on our families and friends.
One of the delights of meeting at swing social events is that we need not "hide" with other swingers and can talk freely. Where as, if we discussed openly we would be leaving our children/parents to possibly suffer. And suffer for our lets face it - social life and indulgences ..
I hate bulliying and victimisation of any discription and would do as much as i could to prevent my family (and anyone else if its within me) suffering for the choices made privately by my wife and I.
Rather than run any risks we keep the swing side of our lives seperate from the day to day hum drum of everything else. This also gives it a little something that is secret and special. And. ok lets face it, i think naughty that my wife and i can do enjoy the odd secret smile and wink at each other whilst living in the non-swing part (95%) of our lives.
Although i can say i support people and there freedom to choose, express etc. But, on this subject i am happy to let those more courageous and upfront than I take the lead as I wave the banner secretly for them from under the duvet.
Could write loads of pro's n cons but think i said 'nuff'
Lost Bloke
Ashamed? No!
Just quite, sit in the corner, very secretive.
i'm not ashamed that i swing, my mum and sister know, as do some very good close friends but after all i have kids so i wouldn;t tell people in the street as i wouldn't want it getting to their kids and then them having a go at my kids for it, after all what we do should not come back on our children, its not a case of being ashamed its more being a caring responsable parent
my friends know,
some of my family know
qutie a few of my colleagues know
i have no children etc so for me, personally, and i say personally, i dont hide it i.
Earthy xx
Up to a point, yes, when it comes to friends and family. My sex life, which no longer exists within marriage (partner switched off completely) has to take place in a covert way, so although I 'swing' as a cheating male, I really don't want the society in which I live to know. Sad, yes, but our cultures and religions are powerful weapons against the non-conformist in any activity. Even naturism has still to fight it's corner in present 'liberal' society!!