My profile is showing that I have written 3 stories :shock: They aint mine.
I don't like it. Make it stop :scared:
Ok both now showing.
And I have written a story as well :shock: but the link doesnt work!!
im now a 25 yr old gay male ffs lol and it wont change :cry: :cry: :cry:
on the profiles where it says you can leave a messege can anyone who looks at your profile see it ?
iv left a msg on garys which i can see and so can he (obviously) but can others see it too ?
Can the friends list be in a to z order please?
Snogs to the teckkie guys
I think the new look is quite exciting - but are we just supposed to work out the new stuff ourselves, or can we have a "What's New" instruction manual?
Under "my account" you also have the option to hide your friends list, news feed and site location :smile:
Whoah whoah WOAH!!!!!!
What's with the Facebook style letting everyone know who has quick messaged whom????????
You can take that RIGHT off - I want anyone who messages me to be able to do it in private, thanks very much!!!!!