Couldnt access ignore table: Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'
It's seriously got to the point now where ONCE it's finally fixed that a membership extension should be granted, cause this has just been flakey for what seems like an eternity now.
Good will gesture anybody?
On my Homepage where it says Set your mood, there is nothing to set. No little icons. Just a small twirling radar circle sort of thing.
On My Profile : Cant scroll through the text.
On View Profile : Profile text doesn't show up when I try to view it.
"What I'm looking for" is blank when I view it
My Photos : Cant access any of my photos. Again only a twirling radar circle thingy. Can upload a photo but can't submit it.
Anyone else had these funny little twirling circles? I use a Mac (OS X)
when i log in my home page shows my friends newsfeed, that is odd cus i deleted most of my friends in order to stop this showing but now its back and has people who arnt my friends showing on it !!
however altho i can see this it isnt visible to others who look at my profile (gary had a look via his account)
how can i stop this showing ?
i have unticked the box on my accounts page so it shouldnt be showing at all !