Now now .... you should know better three topics should never be discussed in public ... religion politics and sex ...
Oh bugger .... that'd be the thread killer then ;)
C x
he seems to be the best of a bad bunch. good luck to him, just can't see the tories getting back in yet.
He is the tories answer to Tony Blair without a doubt.I aint to worried about politics but the tories have finally grasped that you need to find someone that has a bit of charisma e.g his reported wrong doings in the will probably go a long way!
The Conservatives are still banging away at the same old fashioned policies, not realising that Labour have copied them all. The Conservative party really need to make the same sort of change that Labour did when they became 'New Labour' before they can really make headway, and I can't see Cameon doing that.
Where's the Libertarian wing of the party? Libertarianism is where the Conservatives ought to be headed if they ever want to be in power again. (if you don't know what Libertarianism is, look here - a quiz that might well tell you that you are a Libertarian too)
If the country have a "feel good factor" then they tend to stick with what they have. As I can't see any drastic changes in the economy over the next few years the tories will not be winning. Only if things go sour will they have a shot. So not matter how good the next tory leader is his chances of leading the country depend on the Labour party.
bloody hell did I say that. :shock: a bit confused....but then again thats nothing new.....
do you mean by "what the members of SH think of him" as in do they want to shag him.....or invite him to munches etc....
or do you mean he the best candidate for the job.....
if the latter is the case then i cannot my view is ....dont vote because the government will get in theyre all in it for themselves....
if it was for the first reason then the answer is an unequivical "NO"
jesus..: show me more... Please
i dont know about the rich getting richer and poor getting poorer under you have any stats to back this up??
under the tories with interest rates of 16% and high unemployment......most people were poorer.
money tends to lead to money whatever government you have, so the rich will always get richer......however this does tend to be assisted by certain policies from the tories which seem to 'assist' those with greater assets.
did anyone see the tories on tv talking about their welfare benefits for married couples 'to promote the idea of marriage', so no matter what your income you would receive extra cash from the tories for staying a little incentive. A rather odd approach considering it is single parents who are more likely to be less well off and have to spend more time looking after children as they cant always be assisted by a partner.
christ on a bike ......who gives a f*ck or a rolling doughnut.....
whatever your preference where polotics are contained and whatever experience or policy you have or will quote .........
every government since its conception has had the primary function of survival at its core........forget the wellbeing of the masses.....
were just here to f*uck over again and again to supply the bastards with the money to continue to keep f*cking us over....
the whole thing stinks...... now FFS some moderator please lock this thread before some 1 goes OTT...............
Never trust a Tory!!!!
Mr goodtimez
Like it or not, Consevative economic policies work - that's why Labour copy them! Don't you remember that they only got elected because they promised to stick to the Conservative tax plans? Apart from the (frankly trivial) row over foxhunting can you actualy think of any major policies that are sustantially different between the 3 main parties? New Labour have been right-wing for years... pro iraq-war, making students pay for universities... all right wing policies!