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Are you a creature of habit?

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Do you have a routine that you ridgidly stick to? When yo get dressed/undressed do you remove/put on your clothes in the same order?
I was talking to a man at the gym. He was a bit grumpy as someone was using 'locker'. The are of communual but he liked to use the same locker everyday. I asked whether he was like that in other things. He smiled, yes, he replied when I fly I like to sit in the same seat. That's a bit akward to arrange isn't it? I asked. Not really he replied I'm a pilot. biggrin
So do you like a routine or do you just act at random?
Quote by keeno
So do you like a routine or do you just act at random?

Mr W has "his" parking space in every car park we go to, and likes routine.
Me? Nope. Bring on change! I'm incredibly fickle, and I get bored very, very easily. I crave adventure & excitement. biggrin
As an autistic I'm hard-wired to live in a life of routine.
I do try to change it sometimes but it's just too weird redface :cry:
Somethings yes somethings no,
I have "my" seat in the kitchen get a tad mardy if anyone else sits there dunno goodness knows why its not even the seat its the place loon
but couches beds and other seats etc i dont mind where i sit and often move round to suit me
And my routines are quite different depending if dek is at home or working away confused: when hes home it is more like a routine while hes away i say fuck it :lol2:
I have my own sofa at home, but I do like to visit the other one some times.
I have my Desk at work, and others are not invited to sit on my side.
I turn down the drives seat in a woman's car. I am surprised my how many women expect me to drive them in their car. Apart from anything else there is the question of am I insured? ......and I like relaxing in the passenger seat.
Other than that my job makes planning difficult. So no fixed routine.
My life is one big routine lol
On a morning, I do everything I need to do on a morning in the same order and if I don't I panic that I'm gonna be late for work. When sweeping and mopping the floors, I do it by doing the kitchen first, left to right then the living room in a particular order then the hall from the front door to the living room door and lastly the bathroom.
I've got a terrible memory and I think that if my routine gets knocked out of place, I forget to do something wink
Miss Cream xxx
PS I'm just reading back and don't know if if what I've put is quite what this thread is asking confused I'll keep it up anyway biggrin
I would say the only routine I have is getting up in the morning.
Toilet, coffee, news on tv, email which is repeated in the evening a bit but coffee is replaced by beer. :haha:
But saying that it will change to a different order or things missed out so....
no I have no routine I just take life as it comes. :cool:
It's fair to say that I'm a creature of habit. redface
I think I'm verging on OCD to be honest but I don't think I'm actually going to say that out loud. ;)
I do have some routines which I stick to every day - same spot in the works car park, same place I have a smoke on my way to work, go for a brew at the same time and as I my job revolves all around planning, then I make sure most of my customers also have routines that they need to stick to.
However, my natural instinct is to take things as they come, leave things to the last minute and procrastinate as much as possible (for non-inportant stuff). I love change, I love doing new things and I love not knowing what I am going to be getting up to each weekend :twisted:
personally i like fluidity ( in more ways than one).
The freedom to choose something different
freedom to take a different approach
trying out new things
anything else just bores me.......
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
However, my natural instinct is to take things as they come, leave things to the last minute and procrastinate as much as possible (for non-inportant stuff)........

Would that be another form of a routine for dealing with life stuff then? innocent :giggle:
I do like my routines... it makes those random things more spicy :twisted:
To my detriment, I am quite possibly the least "routiney" person I know...
We are all creatures of routine, like it or not. I go on loads of courses and you can pretty much guarantee that where ever anyone sits the first day, they will go to the next day and if someone moves, then you will see the look of confusion in the face of the person who finds them there. When asked to move it completely changes the dynamics of the room.
Odd, but true!
Miss Keeno works with autistic kids. They love thier routines. Inb fact, the need them. Since I've known her it has began to gnaw away at me how much I like mine. Right sock on before left. Pencils arranged in size order shortest to the left longest on the right.
I am assured that this is normal, well within the boundaries of normal but my paranoia is beginning to grow.
One thing i do hate though is routine sex! bring on the spontanious?