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Are you a slut

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Quote by rogerthedragon
77% here which is not too bad really! wink
Although if anyone is volunteering to try and help me increase my score feel free! :twisted:
Roger the Dragon cool

83% Now so I must be doing something right! lol :lol:
Roger 8-)
I'm truly amazed......scored 78%....there's no way I'm that slutty....thought I would be directed to the Nun's Questionnaire actually!! lol
Well,I guess there must be hidden depths to my depravity that need to be explored........ that should keep me busy over the school holidays!!
44% :-(
Quick, someone help me improve it! ;-)
Wow only 2 people beat me, not such a sheltered life in my past obviously :twisted: :
90% Slut
Your above score was normalized against the average, so don't even TRY to disagree with us. Science is certain, and so are we: you are absolutely 90% Slutty.
I'm 90% too lol
I didn't think I was that bad either
I got 52% which i think is slightly higher than last time!
I think i need lots of help get in higher wink
am i a slut ? hmmm......err YEA! lol do i need to take a test?
i think not :twisted:
76% that good or bad ?
I only got 58 I really need to add to that score.
86% biggrin
oh yes you better believe it ''the biggest slut ever.''.110%... wink
I'm a Slut !!! I'm A Slut !!!
82% How good do i feel !!! boink
Only 83%, thought I was much worse than that!
Ah well i'm only 60% slut lol
When i'm out for a drink with my mate Shaz we don't call ourselves by name she's a slapper and i'm a slut lol been like that for 15 years now lol ( I too cannot for the life of me remember how many sexual partners i had in my youth.....lets just say that the sierra's passenger seat had to be replaced twice in 18 months lolol :twisted: :twisted: come to think of so did the Astra's god must go and retake the test now lolol )
Davie :shock: confused :twisted:
Oh FFS 71% this time just remembered a load of things from my dim and distant past some of which make me cringe in horror lololol.
I don't believe the test i'm not as bad as that nowadays ( ok 10 years ago i'd have been up in the mid 80's :twisted: ) since i've got a knackered body and aint getting so much nowadays lol.
Davie :shock:
mmm 93% slut .............must get out more ...............or get more in hehehehe :twisted:
Quote by yuugiri
I'm a Slut !!! I'm A Slut !!!
82% How good do i feel !!! boink

rotflmao :rotflmao: Nowt new there then wink
I only scored 69% dunno
you must have been coy on your answers :grin:
I've never know you to be shy redface -and besides if i'm a slut- you taught me evrything i know !!!!
Woo hoo, 81% last time, 84% now, I'm getting better!!!!
I've scored 72% which isn't bad for "an old fashioned " girl like me
I started off being a bit embarassed by my 92% score, but now I think wahey! lol boink
Only 63% I am disgusted with myself lol
well all the score is in 77%
but was hoping for 69 - somehow that seems more appropriate!!
Quote by firehott00001
only 80 % >him she taking it later

Why not now? If your such a slut surely you can make her take it anytime, I saw you in Doncaster don't forget wink
60 % !
Well I've led a sheltered life sad
Bah, just going to Bluexxx's party will probably get me another 20 % lol (if I survive to tell the tale that is :shock: )
Thomas -
Hmmmm... I am 64% slutty...............unlike Mr Cov who came up as 79%......(and that was with me looking over his a little conservative me thinks!!!!!!!!!! :shock: lol )
I think I need help to become"sluttier"? dunno
Mrs_Cov..xx :angel:
woohoo 97%
but was unsure on a couple of answers, so put the sluttyest answer
and no not telling which ones :giggle:
Quote by marmalaid
Woo hoo, 81% last time, 84% now, I'm getting better!!!!

"slut" :shock: