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Are you a slut

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22 watchers
Quote by Thomas
60 % !
Well I've led a sheltered life sad
Bah, just going to Bluexxx's party will probably get me another 20 % lol (if I survive to tell the tale that is :shock: )
Thomas -

Another 20% eh?.... :shock: :rascal:
woohoo 97%
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: worship :worship: lol
ooo i got 49% is that the lowest or have i missed someones post and does that mean im a choir boy?
Just took the test a wholesome 91% not bad for a newly un repressed sex addict going to try harder want 100 %
81 per cent
fuck im doing well
for my ago
82% slut 18% virgin.........wouldn't mind but i erred on the side of caution in all my answers lol
Jucy Lucy?
What did you score again???
Go on tell!......
Mrs Cov..xx beat me to it!
"slut"... lol ..(I'm sure I wrote this somewhere before?)
Quote by Mr_and_Mrs_Cov
Jucy Lucy?
What did you score again???
Go on tell!.......
Mrs Cov..xx beat me to it!
slut .... biggrin .....a match made in heaven

ahhh yes but who better to teach you how to get sluttier wink
Quote by JucyLucy
Jucy Lucy?
What did you score again???
Go on tell!.......
Mrs Cov..xx beat me to it!

ahhh yes but who better to teach you how to get sluttier wink
:shock: dunno ...oh ok if you insist!!!!!!! lol
Quote by JucyLucy
Jucy Lucy?
What did you score again???
Go on tell!.......
Mrs Cov..xx beat me to it!
slut .... biggrin .....a match made in heaven? rotflmao or hell!

ahhh yes but who better to teach you how to get sluttier wink
double "slut" lol
hmm i thought i wasnt that slutty... it says harvard is the most slutty uni....
79 % slut.. but theres always room for improvement.. good score must try harder.. :kissmyarse: