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Are YOU in the SH book?

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Okay Varca back on topic lol I brought the book specifically as I had been told it had references to SH in it. I was very open minded reading it and Dirty maybe I was harsh saying it was shite.......... wink
I did get a sense of the frustrations of meetings and what I felt was often the author was looking for long term relationships, whatever that meant or means, and was let down a few times. I found the book quite depressing in that sense and didnt really find it that good a read. I suppose I wanted it to more insightful than what it was into the world of swinging as even today I am still an amateur in this world.
I dont see why the book cant be promoted through SH. This is a commercial site and the book did not give me sense of anything other than characters that may or may not be real people.
Maybe people in London feel differently, but every book has some basis on real people as authors have to base their characters on real life experiences dont they?
Anyway I binned the book. Not many I do that with :lol:
I wouldnt be on this site if i hadnt read this book, but think i read a follow up
I picked it up on holiday(as you do,sun bathing gets boring lol) and thought wow this sounds just what i need, searched the internet on my arrival home and hey presto swinging heaven did really exist and ive not looked back, ive had some great fun and made some life long friends
Im assuming psuedonyms were used and that she possibly approached those few people she mentioned for permission ????
Quote by duncanlondon
would a sixth former be a legal member?

Clearly not. The 'author' must have gleaned the 'originality' from some of her pupils.
ermmmm my daughters a 6th former and is nearly 18 and will still be a 6th former when she turns 18, so yep it is possible.
The thing is though, is the book about swinging or x rated dating, hetero promiscuity?
does it have pictures?
Quote by BIoke
Oh and Bloke, when I write my memoir you'll have a chapter dedicated just to your hot, hung self... I promise!

Yes but will Anthony, Dave & the beefy landscaper be involved too? If not, no deal... go fetch and bring that nice Geordie man back with you too please :rascal:
Oooh, yes... and I was thinking we could also include Gerald, the Judge and Lawrence, the ex-rugby player turned hand model?
In fact, feck it, we've got a bestseller on our hands... let's get scribbling!
P.S. Nice Geordie man? Which one? :rascal:
Quote by goodporking
does it have pictures?

Kind of. I believe it's a pop-up book. :giggle:
Quote by noladreams
P.S. Nice Geordie man? Which one? :rascal:

Well I can think of 3 innocent And just 'nice' would be an understatement I guess. Try...
and not forgetting...