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Are you shy

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Warming the Bed
No really - are you shy, do you have the bottle to ask someone out or ask for phone number if you fancy them.
I work in the catering sector and 5/6 times a day i visit different places like hospitals and pubs, cafes where there are lots on ladies etc
But i way to shy to ask for there number or chatt to show i fancy a woman.
How you do fair up when out and about, what would you do if you fancy someone or what sign`s give you the hint that someone fancys you.
How would to help people like me who maybe pritty shy to start off with,(lol but not once i get to know someone hehe) to get the "i fancy you message over to someone"
I'm very similar and have come to the conclusion that the two most effective ways are either to conduct your love life over the internet, where you can hide behind relative anonymity or to bite the bullet and go for it with whoever you meet and somehow learn to deal with the rejection
Sex God
I am desperately shy and un-confident in myself which is why I can see me being un-attached for quite some time sad
I have mastered shyness to the point where I suffer from different degrees of shyness, depending on the context
as a salesman, opening doors and introducing myself is part of the in that field I've mostly overcome it, but still manage to blunder my way through the easiest of confrontations (lastly I was on a meeting with a buyer, and knocked my glass of water all over her desk...hence the lesson, "always drink up!")
in more social things I am not really shy with blokes, but can be reeeeaally awkward around girls, especially on the first approach
the simple art of walking up to a girl and tell her "n'importe quoi" eludes me, mostly because I think chat up lines are stupid and mostly unwelcome...and if I start of saying something stupid, what does that say about me?... and if she's with friends...well then she's totally off stupid as that may sound
once the ice is broken I tend to come over quite confident and proactive.. but that first hurdle is more often than not quite too steep for me.
in that picture, thank god for internet.. I never really look shy or lacking confidence, when I meet a date, simply because the first hurdle of getting to introduce myself is already behind me...and inrtoducing myself on the web takes little if no courage at all.
I am very shy, and like many people I'm sure, tend to bluff my way through and come across as far more self-confident than I am. It does make me wary of initiating contact with people if they don't make the first move. I know it's stupid as I can make a good show of confidence once I get going, but I need to know that they want to talk to me before I will take the plunge. It always comes as a surprise that another person wants to speak to me, especially if I fancy the look of them, and even more of a shock if they already know my name. I always see myself as wallpaper - there and visible but mostly overlooked.
pah..amateur..I manage to be overlooked even when dancing alone at the center of the dancefloor :S many times do you get the feeling "am I invisible"?? I reckon that's where most of the shyness comes from in the first place
Yes, very, in some contexts, and very confident in others.
At work I'm confident. I know what I'm talking about, and I know that I know what I'm talking about, so I don't have to worry about saying the wrong thing.
In social situations I'm really shy. I can never think of things to say, and get really panicky, to the point of my throat closing up in fear redface
Warming the Bed
Alot of intresting replys here but it seems most are the same when in work no problem same as me will chatt to any but if out in a pub etc the shyness kicks in.
dealing with rejecton can be hard if you not used to, lucky for me i now take it with a pinch of salt as my confidence is gowing day by day.
But it is very strange that once the first contact is done theres just no stopping you ;)
I have never approached a woman in my life, and I never will.
I have zero confidence to do that, and if they approach me, I just bugger off.
I wouldn't mind if I'd ever had a bad experience, but haven't.... no idea what's behind it.
All the comedy is a 'front'. Funny how nobody believes it. You get so good at it becomes second nature.
Sex God
It is strange that people who are shy in one situation are masters of another. I know this, my wife who is shy in some situations is in professional life in complete control. Even in those situation where she is sky it does not show to most.
There are times when I am nervous, I would not call it shy.
I would say that it helps to have to have the support of someone close.
I wouldnt say I'm shy but I can definitely be lacking in confidence at times. As a woman I tend to feel that if I know I look good I feel confident, if I think I look terrible then I feel like hiding.
But my mantra is definitely, 'fake it til you make it'. Even if you're panicking inside, do the things that you think a confident version of you would do and say and hopefully eventually it will kick in naturally. I'll get there one day......
Mrs Classy
Sex God
I know that shyness and lack of confidence can be over come with training. Someone pushing you can with repetition change an individuals confidence. ...but it does have to be done well. The services are good at this.
Sex God
Quote by Donnydave
No really - are you shy, do you have the bottle to ask someone out or ask for phone number if you fancy them.
I work in the catering sector and 5/6 times a day i visit different places like hospitals and pubs, cafes where there are lots on ladies etc
But i way to shy to ask for there number or chatt to show i fancy a woman.
How you do fair up when out and about, what would you do if you fancy someone or what sign`s give you the hint that someone fancys you.
How would to help people like me who maybe pritty shy to start off with,(lol but not once i get to know someone hehe) to get the "i fancy you message over to someone"

Heck - I wouldn't have the guts to ask anyone out. Depending on where I met them I might flirt a bit - ok probably a lot but even when I'm in flirty mode that doesn't mean I fancy someone.... so that perhaps gives mixed messages!
When a guy does ask me out it always takes me by surprise and I get all tongue tied! It is much easy over the internet - I'm probably more assertive and confident that way. Which probably puts people off lol
I so agree with the Kids last sentence!!!!!
Sex God
Quote by Donnydave
No really - are you shy, do you have the bottle to ask someone out or ask for phone number if you fancy them.

Hell No :shock:
Quote by Donnydave
How would to help people like me who maybe pritty shy to start off with,(lol but not once i get to know someone hehe) to get the "i fancy you message over to someone"

I await the answer eagrely smile
i wouldnt say shyness was the problem for me
as i can talk to most people anytime and have had some fun with it its finding something that you both can talk about
asking someone out is a different matter as nerves and worry of a person turning you down is useally what stops people from asking them
is it confidence/shyness or is it being too nervous too ask a person
I am shy but i think i hide it well
I wouldn`t ask anyone out or for a phone number, and in the past when i`ve been chatted up i used to think they were just messing around, i`m hopeless at reading the signs
Master of Sex
I'd say I'm more lacking in confidence than shy. If I was available 'romantically speaking', I could chat, smile and have a good time with a guy but I'd never assume he fancied me - especially if he was a looker (and I certainly wouldn't make the first move and ask for his number!)
Luckily I don't really have to worry about things like that(from a dating point of view anyway) as I'm married to Pom and intend to stay that way smile