Is it just me, or do you write out a "new thread", spend ages on it, bare your soul ...... and then hit the delete button? Too scared to mention your innermost thoughts and fears, prejuidices and ideas and such in a public forum..... or do you just post it anyway?
I don't do it so much with new threads (though perhaps I should), but I quite often do that when replying to posts, normally when I get to the end of what I've written and decide to go back and re-read what other people have written to make sure I didn't misinterpret anything.
Well to be honest I would never post on the forum my innermost thoughts and feelings.....far too personal but each to their own.
Come on then Postie........what do you want to tell us but cannot put into words????
you can tell one else will be reading this!
Well to be honest i..erm... i oh christ..delete delete!!
yeah i have done it many times, only if i think it will just get locked i delete it
been there done that many dont know what you might spark to be sensitive to peeps.......or just dont give a crap........your choice..
i wrote 4 replies....deleted first 3....
no i dont think im indecisive ..well maybe a bit...sometimes
Yes postie, I delete stuff after I've had a chance to read it through. I don't delete thread topics cos I don't start many of them, but I do delete a lot of thread posts that look a bit iffy when I've finished them, normally because they might be a bit near the knuckle and land me with an argument that I can do without. I also delete a lot where I've wanted to coment, but simply can't find the right words to get across what I mean easily.
Got to admit that Ive not start many threads at all, but answered a few, and yes would have answered a lot more but I write them, pour out my thoughts, anger whatever Im feeling right there and then, and then press delete.
Why ?
1. Dont want to look stupid
2. Already feel better cause Ive written it down, and thats enough
i tend to get side tracked from what i start off saying, which can end up being very confusing, but i go ahead and post it anyhow, in the hope that someone might understand.
thats why ill usully just write a short bit, less confusing lol