Does anyone else fine female armpits cool
Quote by davej
I have at time found an attraction in looking at mrs davej's arm pits, although I will confess that it had more to do with the fact that she was weilding a brush in her hand whilst emulsioning the ceiling, a job I hate, rather than an appreciation of any sexual allure. However after viewing them surrupticiously this evening from the lounge window, I found the beads of sweat that glistened in their hollows whilst she finished block paving the drive, strangly erotic and I have made a note on the kitchen white board for her to wake me for a shag once she has finished the cappings and washed out the mixer.
Quote by westerross
I have at time found an attraction in looking at mrs davej's arm pits, although I will confess that it had more to do with the fact that she was weilding a brush in her hand whilst emulsioning the ceiling, a job I hate, rather than an appreciation of any sexual allure. However after viewing them surrupticiously this evening from the lounge window, I found the beads of sweat that glistened in their hollows whilst she finished block paving the drive, strangly erotic and I have made a note on the kitchen white board for her to wake me for a shag once she has finished the cappings and washed out the mixer.