You know the sort of thing, you hurt yourself by accident and clever-clogs asys "What did you go and do that for?" (answer is of course "Cause I wanted to feel the experience of excruciating pain just for the hell of it.")
The funniest silly question and priceless answer I have heard (so far):
Guy gets his truck jammed under a low bridge, copper walks up and asks
"Did you get your truck stuck?"
Lorry driver replies: "No, I was delivering the bridge and ran out of fuel."
got any more?
newt xx
When someone says "What are you staring at?" .. erm.... you?
Had to just say that was soooooooooooooooooooo funny, how embarrassed did the cop feel hehehehehehe
the old ones are the best... another parent one....
do I look like I was born yesterday???
or how about...
Do I look stupid???
sorry while I am at it...
Does my arse look big in this?
(like we are ever going to say Yes it does dear.... we know what would happen if we did.. and we do honestly love you for the way you are (quick help lads think I need a ladder)
at least he never mentioned polar bears!!!!!
I'd forgotten all about the parenting gems... I suspect I've been guilty of a few over the years!!
newt xx
makes mental note to ask about the polar bears at next munch....
Has anyone else wondered about this?
Your going to work in your car listening to radio 2, and the traffic announcer says:
" There is a lorry with a shed load causing long tailbacks on the M62"
It happens every day so why do they transport bloody sheds by road in the rush hour????