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Assets? No Complaints!!

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Now most of this is bollox OK?
But I've been wondering what they mean by 'Assets' in yer profile on the site.
In other circles I'm sure they'd be thinking of how much money you've got in the bank or how many houses you have ----- but I guess here we're talking about summat else. :twisted:
Yup - it's gotta be tits fer the girls and cocks fer the boys!!
So - what does 'No Complaints' mean then?????
Quite honestly, I can't imagine many people saying 'I had a fantasic shag but yer tits were a bit on the small side fer me'. Or 'You were a great shag but yer cock was too much like a donkey's' (there's an in-joke in there somewhere!!).
So - where do you get yer complaints from then?? I can't say that I've had any but then who am I to know??
If any of you lovely ladies have not had the opportunity to form an opinion just sign up here and we'll make arrangements!! :twisted: lol
Mr TE, Ian asked me the other day what "assets" meant when he was fiddling with a profile.
I think we have both missed it out dunno
Now although I have never had any complaints, would someone actually complain to your face anyway :dunno:
Maybe I should sign up and see if I could make a complaint about you Mr TE, or not, as the case maybe :giggle:
Couldn't you asset size also include how big your ass is also lol
Shaz x
Quote by westerross
But I've been wondering what they mean by 'Assets' in yer profile on the site.

I've always thought that it refered to the size of car you drive confused Hence the fact that I've put large on my profile due to my car being a seven seater. I am thinking along the right lines am I not dunno
Quote by westerross
Now most of this is bollox OK?
But I've been wondering what they mean by 'Assets' in yer profile on the site.

What they are asking is :- can you afford the membership fee and the Extras.
Well, several years ago, I met a guy from 'another site'. When I removed my top he said 'Oh, your tits don't look as big as they did on the photo' What a plonker, not surprisingly I put my top back on and walked out the door. Though not before saying 'Well, the pic was only taken yesterday and they are the only ones I've got'. rolleyes
Maybe most peoples idea of 'No Complaints' is pure modesty on both parts!
Quote by mdr2000
Maybe most peoples idea of 'No Complaints' is pure modesty on both parts!

i agree :!:
but how do u judge how big your assets are.. if you play football or rugby do you ask your team mates if you dont mind seeing how big there dick is or do you go to a club and stand around seeing if yours is as big as everyone elses..the same applies to just sitting on the fence and saying medium then when we meet theres no disappointment on anyones face redface
I've got tits like roof tiler's nail bags and a bucket fanny.
I always get asked for a second meet. complaints about my assets. innocent :whistling:
or you could look at it the other way round :confused:
ie. i`ve never had a shit shag in my life (yes i know, the women i have been with all have!!).
so does that meen my assets should be "no complaints"?
:scared: bolt :kick:
Quote by novice1
I've got tits like roof tiler's nail bags and a bucket fanny.
I always get asked for a second meet. complaints about my assets. innocent :whistling:

I liked your profile so far!!! Well your avitar anyway lol...
Too much info for me lol...
Mike xxxxx wink :wink: :wink:
I dont like stating my assets or else i would end up too big headed !!! biggrin
Isnt asset french for 'tiny ass' confused