But I've been wondering what they mean by 'Assets' in yer profile on the site.
In other circles I'm sure they'd be thinking of how much money you've got in the bank or how many houses you have ----- but I guess here we're talking about summat else. :twisted:
Yup - it's gotta be tits fer the girls and cocks fer the boys!!
So - what does 'No Complaints' mean then?????
Quite honestly, I can't imagine many people saying 'I had a fantasic shag but yer tits were a bit on the small side fer me'. Or 'You were a great shag but yer cock was too much like a donkey's' (there's an in-joke in there somewhere!!).
So - where do you get yer complaints from then?? I can't say that I've had any but then who am I to know??
If any of you lovely ladies have not had the opportunity to form an opinion just sign up here and we'll make arrangements!! :twisted: