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ATT: Chatroom users

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4 watchers
right, if this as been covered before then i will get down on my knees and beg for forgiveness for not checking the Search!!!.
just a quick one, its come to my attention that when the chatroom is with out a op and trouble brew, a few memeber which are ringing opps to ask them to come into the room.
so this was just a polite way of saying the ops have got there only life as well as everyone esle, so if there is no op, please either record the logs, or do a screen dump.
Couldn't agree more with you
We used to help host in an old msn room and used to get people calling us up at all hours moaning about abusive room users to the point we told out friends we didn't want to help host no more.
Once we even had someone call us up while we was 'on the job' :shock: with another couple asking us to come in the room and kick someone out, i mean be serious and get a life, if you want the room ops to drop everything for you you start paying then wink
Quote by Jiggle
right, if this as been covered before then i will get down on my knees and beg for forgiveness for not checking the Search!!!.
just a quick one, its come to my attention that when the chatroom is with out a op and trouble brew, a few memeber which are ringing opps to ask them to come into the room.
so this was just a polite way of saying the ops have got there only life as well as everyone esle, so if there is no op, please either record the logs, or do a screen dump.

Jiggle, I think I love you kiss
Quote by Dawn_Mids
right, if this as been covered before then i will get down on my knees and beg for forgiveness for not checking the Search!!!.
just a quick one, its come to my attention that when the chatroom is with out a op and trouble brew, a few memeber which are ringing opps to ask them to come into the room.
so this was just a polite way of saying the ops have got there only life as well as everyone esle, so if there is no op, please either record the logs, or do a screen dump.

Jiggle, I think I love you kiss
well...... biggrin redface ....
i've just read back my post via your quote , and just realised how crap the grammer is!
can someone point me in the direction of a primary school that is willing to teach a 25 year old.
Quote by Jiggle
right, if this as been covered before then i will get down on my knees and beg for forgiveness for not checking the Search!!!.
just a quick one, its come to my attention that when the chatroom is with out a op and trouble brew, a few memeber which are ringing opps to ask them to come into the room.
so this was just a polite way of saying the ops have got there only life as well as everyone esle, so if there is no op, please either record the logs, or do a screen dump.

Spot on jiggle...
We ALL have other lives and this site while important to us all forms only part of those lives..
Working nights and having the kids at home during school hols does not give me as much time to op as I would like but I do my best..
Why do you think no one has my phone number?

Get to work jiggle..
Edited to correct my jiggle like gramma and spelling
Quote by Steve_Mids
Why do you think no one has my phone number?

SNAP :thumbup:
Having read this and a simliar post in the steam room I cant believe there is anyone on here who could be so inconsiderate and rude!!!!! mad :x
I am guessing as well that as these people have the home or mobile numbers of Ops that they are established site members. Does it not occur to them that the site is free and that if things aren't to your taste you can just log out??
Obviously not - A virtual drink on me to all the mods, :cheers: - who put up with all the idiots including those who obviously should know better!
Roger the Dragon cool
Gawd Bless that (i was gonna say man... but it is jiggles) boy wink
Like Steve said it is difficult sometimes to actually get on the PC, especially now some bright spark gave my daughter her own account (thankyou really kiss ). But I am one of those ppl who has given my number to many many people off this site, and as much as I want to help, and the people who phone me back into the room are at desperate measures by this time, it was affecting me in my personnal life....
So thank you jiggle for this thread :kiss:
And just so all you chatters know... I am here to help, but if I am not in the chatroom it is for a reason...... redface
And as my parting message off IRC says... I will be back you have been warned lol, and my parting message from the chat room has and always will be "catch you soon" :wink:
Could not agree more with the thread >>>>>>>>> BUT >>>>>>>>
(playing Devils Advocate) How do these people have your phone number confused:
Are they friends ( :?: ) If so they should know better.
Tuts at Jiggle
See you are brown nosing again :twisted:
Wonder which op you are after? lol :lol: :lol:
Is it Tattyxpx biggrin , Dawn_Mids :D , or is it Steve_Mids :shock:
bolt from the wrath of the ops.............and keeps out of the chatroom for a while :rascal:
Quote by Dave__Notts
keeps out of the chatroom for a while :rascal:

You forgot your password again Dave :giggle:
Quote by Dawn_Mids
keeps out of the chatroom for a while :rascal:

You forgot your password again Dave :giggle:
Just because I forgot my password once,.........ermmmm twice,.......ermmmmm thrice,..........OK a fecking lot of have to bring it up don't you :fuckinghell:
Thats it.........the next munch I see you at I will make you pay :twisted: ..........As long as I can find it dunno
ps flipa
Quote by Dave__Notts
...........and keeps out of the chatroom for a while :rascal:

Chatroom :!: :!: :!: What chatroom confused: All I can find is an "arena" wink
lol :lol: Fred
Quote by Jiggle
can someone point me in the direction of a primary school that is willing to teach a 25 year old.

wave Hello there handsome! :rascal:
Gem. x
Quote by little gem

can someone point me in the direction of a primary school that is willing to teach a 25 year old.

wave Hello there handsome! :rascal:
Gem. x
Cooooeeeeeeeee Jiggle, do you like older teachers too? :twisted:
Quote by Jiggle
just a quick one, its come to my attention that when the chatroom is with out a op and trouble brew, a few memeber which are ringing opps to ask them to come into the room.

I have once been asked to go and sort out some numpty in the chatroom, but that was via PM by a Mod as they had received a PM asking if any chatroom OP's were online.... It's just fortunate that I was just about to go into the room...
The job we do is an unpaid one and it is sometimes a thankless task.... More often than not on a busy night the OP's dont have the luxury of being able to chat to our friends or even make new ones, as we are far too busy watching what everyone says..... For those that have never thought about how difficult a job it is, please take the time to spend an hour just watching and reading everything that is said as well as chatting to the people that are talking to you and then imagine yourself reacting to the situation..... Trust me after an hour your eyes will be stinging!!....
I have to say that I was amazed that people think they can just phone an OP because there is someone who is not following the rules.... It would be a brave person who did that to us..... If we are not in the chatroom it's because we are busy doing something else!!...
Jiggle kiss
Been an op in my dim and distant past (and no I don't want to do chatroom op again thanks ;) ) So I feel for all of you. So here as per Roger is a heartfelt virtual drinkies drinkies
on a more tongue in cheek mode, Mark can we tripple mods and ops pay ;)
Ok ok I know they don't get paid, tis tongue in cheek, and if they did they deserve the rise
totally agree with this thread.....
but adding to the comments.
What the Fluck can we do about the chatroom when we are at a munch?
Please Note.
When I'm at a munch
I'M OFF DUTY !!!!!!!!
Unless you wish to wear my drink? lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by Ian_Mids
Please Note.
When I'm at a munch
I'M OFF DUTY !!!!!!!!
Unless you wish to wear my drink? lol :lol: :lol:

Now, that attitude I like.......... :lol: wink except, if it was me, they would wear my drink then they would have to buy me a replacement :thumbup:
Can we merge this thread with the current contenious issue in the Steam Room??
No? :cry: :cry: BUM!
Quote by Ian_Mids
Please Note.
When I'm at a munch
I'M OFF DUTY !!!!!!!!
Unless you wish to wear my drink? lol :lol: :lol:

Anybody else notice he didn't say food.......huh.....huh......did ya......huh......huh....... bolt
screen dump?
now thats a fetish I haven't heard off rolleyes
Quote by little gem

can someone point me in the direction of a primary school that is willing to teach a 25 year old.

wave Hello there handsome! :rascal:
Gem. x
he he he cool
right when do i start, 8-)
Maybe, just maybe the Chatroom Op's role would be easier if the rules were "lighter" and they spent their time regulating the more serious transgressions. The difficulty of enforcing rules rises in direct relation to the number of rules imposed and their relative importance. Like the use of speed camera's though it is always easy to focus on minor infringements.
Have to declare we have a personal gripe here though.
Well.... I have to agree that no-one should be called and asked to come in the chatroom to sort out some jumped up idiot..
I have on many occasions waited till an op comes in and then had a moan to them about the Serial pm-ers.
BUT.... i have to say.... (Yes, i know the ops have there own lives to run b4 u jump down my throat).... I do think that there should be an op in the room at all times, there is enough of them, some you don't even see for weeks on end... which leaves me asking the Q of.... Why are they ops if they can't make an appearence????? Its the same ops day in day out who have to take the shit from us complaining about the serial pm-ers and i think its abit unfair!!!! There is enough regulars who go in the room who would do a very good job of being an op but have been knocked bk.
Not having a go at any1 in particular, just airing my point of view like every1 else smile
Quote by bucksfuncpl
Maybe, just maybe the Chatroom Op's role would be easier if the rules were "lighter" and they spent their time regulating the more serious transgressions. The difficulty of enforcing rules rises in direct relation to the number of rules imposed and their relative importance. Like the use of speed camera's though it is always easy to focus on minor infringements.
Have to declare we have a personal gripe here though.

I'm pretty sure you're talking about people being banned for constant idling, so here's the very good reason why that particular rule is in place....
This rule "If you are going to be absent from the chatroom for a period of
one hour or more then please quit the chatroom. Any nicknames idle for a
period longer than one hour will be removed from the room. Time spent in
private chats does not count towards idling time."
It was created a while ago now, a couple of reasons but basically it is a
chatroom so if your not going to do that for hours, there is little point
in being there.
Secondly, probably the strongest reason behind the rule, is that allowing
people to sit in the rooms gives them access to hours of conversation log
which can be used against someone. In the sense of, watching a particular
chatter to gather details on them or other sites gathering details from
us. We also are slightly aware that the press often have an interest in
swinging so its an attempt to discourage time wasters and people in the
chatroom for the wrong reasons.
I hope that gives you some idea of our reasons and makes it easier for you
to understand.

Quote by bucksfuncpl
Maybe, just maybe the Chatroom Op's role would be easier if the rules were "lighter" and they spent their time regulating the more serious transgressions. The difficulty of enforcing rules rises in direct relation to the number of rules imposed and their relative importance. Like the use of speed camera's though it is always easy to focus on minor infringements.
Have to declare we have a personal gripe here though.

I totally disagree. I think the ops should get more strict, in line with the new mods policy to tell people who piss us off to simply fuck off..... we then ban them if they continue to annoy us. I think it is a great idea, and re-inforces the superiority that us mods have over you minions on this site. I think the ops should introduce the same level of control on the chat room too, so much so that if you even fart whilst online you should be kicked immediately.
I think that bowing when mods and ops enter the room at munches should be implemented too. Anyone who fails to do so should be banned immediately.
Oh control.... you better fLucking believe it :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by bluexxx
I totally disagree. I think the ops should get more strict, in line with the new mods policy to tell people who piss us off to simply fuck off..... we then ban them if they continue to annoy us. I think it is a great idea, and re-inforces the superiority that us mods have over you minions on this site.

Ok I'll adopt that policy with immediate effect ;)
I think the ops should introduce the same level of control on the chat room too, so much so that if you even fart whilst online you should be kicked immediately.

Can't do this though, I live alone and sometimes would end up having to kick myself. I'd just get dizzy I'm sure confused lol
I think that bowing when mods and ops enter the room at munches should be implemented too. Anyone who fails to do so should be banned immediately.
Oh control.... you better fLucking believe it :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I do like this though, so I'll be expecting everyone at the munch tonight to follow this particular policy :P :lol: :lol:
Quote by bluexxx
Maybe, just maybe the Chatroom Op's role would be easier if the rules were "lighter" and they spent their time regulating the more serious transgressions. The difficulty of enforcing rules rises in direct relation to the number of rules imposed and their relative importance. Like the use of speed camera's though it is always easy to focus on minor infringements.
Have to declare we have a personal gripe here though.

I totally disagree. I think the ops should get more strict, in line with the new mods policy to tell people who piss us off to simply fuck off..... we then ban them if they continue to annoy us. I think it is a great idea, and re-inforces the superiority that us mods have over you minions on this site. I think the ops should introduce the same level of control on the chat room too, so much so that if you even fart whilst online you should be kicked immediately.
I think that bowing when mods and ops enter the room at munches should be implemented too. Anyone who fails to do so should be banned immediately.
Oh control.... you better fLucking believe it :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
You mean this doesnt already happen surprised