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Attachment issues.

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this is a bit of a revised version of a post i did a while ago on a jelousy thread elsewhere...i thought it was apt in this thread....
from being on this scene for over 3 years as both a single and with a partner, id like to say that ive not suffered from bouts of jelous/inapropriate attachment often or without good reason - for example in one relationship my boyfriend (we were in a relationship, not swinging partners) constantly requested seperate room swinging with a couple we were meeting, and eventually wasnt interested in sex with me inbetween these meetings.....i did get jelous of their relationship and it all came down to him using me "success by association" and me not realising this until it was too late, suffice to say i came to my senses and dumped more confident in what i want now and that wouldnt happen again.
i would also like to add a recent personal experice of mine ......... where my feelings were misinterperted as jelousy when actually thats not how i felt........i felt discarded, disrespected and my friendship not valued (yes i thought it was friendship until i was told "well i never liked you anyway" there was obviously nothing worth being upset over in the first place, which infuriated me even more) i felt i had been humiliated in an open forum and had been a notch on a bedpost, it has actually put me off posting and chatting in a big way, especially when people involved still bear grudges and choose to air them in such an umtimely fashion.
at the time, the more i was accused of being jelous the more angry and frustrated i got....which made me look even more green eyed...which made me even angrier....and so on! i came to a point where id forgotten what the big deal was and realised that actually it wasnt very important to me, no one had probably noticed and no one was laughing at me.....which was my main rather than jelousy, was it hurt pride? lack of communication? mis-communication via instant chat rather than RL conversation? misunderstanding? hearing what you want to hear instead of listening? all of the above i feel, and probably some more! anyhow, its not an issue anymore and all water under the bridge dunno
hmm ive gone off on one a bit there havent i? lol i suppose my point is.....people can be accused of feeling or behaving jelous or in an apropriate way when actually its some other emotion?
Quote by Abilene
.....Where people with all kinds of tastes, styles and kinks like to come right? Well, should it really be the place to come if you have attachment issues?

FFS Abi, enough with the Marmite threads wink
Ok ... gonna take the bait ... whats a 'marmite' thread??
:doh: sorry, forgot you ain't from round these parts.
errrr, think peanut butter jelly, you'll ever love it or projectile vomit.
it's essentially the crud left over from making beer, stuck in a jar and sold to odd people as food
Quote by meat2pleaseu
.....Where people with all kinds of tastes, styles and kinks like to come right? Well, should it really be the place to come if you have attachment issues?

FFS Abi, enough with the Marmite threads wink
Ok ... gonna take the bait ... whats a 'marmite' thread??
:doh: sorry, forgot you ain't from round these parts.
errrr, think peanut butter jelly, you'll ever love it or projectile vomit.
it's essentially the crud left over from making beer, stuck in a jar and sold to odd people as food
Hmmm so what you are saying is that my thread ( about something that has been bothering me ) is making you want to throw up ... don't make me spank you !!!!!
Jealousy can rear its ugly head at anytime...
We used to see two couples but when one couple found out we were seeing the other they got really upset and actually gave us an ultimatum... In the end we told them both we could no longer see them to save the upset as we couldn't see the problem.
The strange part in this is it turned out the women from each couple were sisters..!!
We thought they were alike........ but!!
Its true....... redface
Mike x
Quote by dambuster

. . . . . . . . . . so at least some people do understand the nature of the site kiss

I truly hopes nobody reads that the way I did :shock:
I think "coupling up" is as far removed from the "nature of the site" as it's possible to be.
Quote by sheddy

This is a swingers site right? If you get upset with someone if they are playing with others, flirting with others or heck just talking with others should you be here?

When me and PK first got together some people I knew from here got upset, even some of them I had never met. One person started what can only be described as a campaign of jealous hate. Aparently we should tell eveyone our every move, let users know before the event when or where we are going to meet. confused
I totally agree some people don't seem to realise this is a swingers site and people are free to meet whoever they please smile
Thankfully the one user I was the closest to and thought the most of wished us the best of luck in our future hapiness so at least some people do understand the nature of the site :kiss:
It looks so much better in context do you not think? I know at times i may not get my point across clear enough for all to under stand what I mean I am a naive country bumpkin after all. But constant pedantic digs at me are genuinely makeing me question why I still use the forum at all............hell a fair few have threatened to flounce of late so why shouldn't I :?
Quote by sheddy

. . . . . . . . . . so at least some people do understand the nature of the site kiss

I truly hopes nobody reads that the way I did :shock:
I think "coupling up" is as far removed from the "nature of the site" as it's possible to be.
Quote by sheddy

This is a swingers site right? If you get upset with someone if they are playing with others, flirting with others or heck just talking with others should you be here?

When me and PK first got together some people I knew from here got upset, even some of them I had never met. One person started what can only be described as a campaign of jealous hate. Aparently we should tell eveyone our every move, let users know before the event when or where we are going to meet. confused
I totally agree some people don't seem to realise this is a swingers site and people are free to meet whoever they please smile
Thankfully the one user I was the closest to and thought the most of wished us the best of luck in our future hapiness so at least some people do understand the nature of the site :kiss:
It looks so much better in context do you not think? I know at times i may not get my point across clear enough for all to under stand what I mean I am a naive country bumpkin after all. But constant pedantic digs at me are genuinely makeing me question why I still use the forum at all............hell a fair few have threatened to flounce of late so why shouldn't I :?
Don't flounce darlin'.
You'll rip your felt off. :therethere:
Quote by Abilene
Ok, I am seriously not going to mention names in here as I feel that shows no class but I do feel that a little something about this may need to be put out there. Also please do NOT try to play detective and guess who I may or may not be talking about because you WILL end up being wrong because it's not an obvious thing.
This is a swingers site right? Where people with all kinds of tastes, styles and kinks like to come right? Well, should it really be the place to come if you have attachment issues? In other words if you get attached TOO fast. If you get upset with someone if they are playing with others, flirting with others or heck just talking with others should you be here? As long as the person has been 100% honest with you and no expectations were ever laid out, no promises made and no misimpressions given then you are doing whatever may have happened now or in the future between you and that person a misjustice because you are likely to push the person away. Had there been any promises etc made then I could surely understand but this is not the place to put your toe in the water unless you think you can handle swimming. There is nothing wrong with having feelings, thats not what I am trying to say, all I am saying is that maybe if you have attachment issues then you need to figure those out before venturing into a place as openminded as this is.
Ok, I hope I put that all clearly, respectfully and with an honest heart.
Mods .. if you feel this is in the wrong place or that I am out of line please feel free to move it.
Abi xx

Just my two-penneth worth
Although you don't mention any names and you say for people not to play detective, there is one person that will know exactly who you are referring to, that person, being the one that caused you to write the thread.
Now if that person is hurt for one reason or another, imagine how they feel right now after reading your post and the replies to it.
If I were to read your post from a generalist perspective, then some points you raise are thought provoking.
However, it is not a generalist post, it is specific about an individual, whoever that individual should be.
Sorry Abi, although everyone would seem to agree with you, I do not. To me, it shows a complete lack of tact.
As I say, just my two-penneth for what it's worth.
Quote by mdr2000

The strange part in this is it turned out the women from each couple were sisters..!!

actually Mike that's an interesting point........whislt I have no jealousy regarding couples that we play with seeing other couple from either this site or else where.......when I read your post it made me consider how I would feel if I found out that a couple that we play with regularly were also playing with my sister and her finance (not that I'm aware whether they are swingers or not) be honest i think that I would find that slighty strange.....I'm not sure why but I think that I would.
Maybe it's because I like to keep this part of my life separate from other areas of my for the couple giving you an ultimatum I do think that, that is wrong and personally believe that in all areas of live ulimatums should never be used.........If we were to become uncomfortable with swinging with a certain couple for what ever reason I think the best thing to do is to walk away from the situation and let the other couple continue as they wish to.
Like I said.....I'm not sure why I find this wierd but I think it would make me uncomfortable, and if I was ever to feel uncomfortable in a swinging situation I would alway back aay from it.
Well yeah Kate Good point and understand what you mean fully..... but
They knew each other were swinging though, we didn't know they were sisters as we don't tend to talk about couples we meet as such, they had been discussing us over Sunday Lunch.... realised they were seeing the same people one sister had no problem the other did but only in the fact that (as they put it to us) the other one always gets more meets than her and they were upset we had made contact with them as well... They were in fact slightly jealous of each other, not us if that makes sense!
We did walk away from all as we said, were not wanting to cause conflict between sisters lol... the jealous one gave us the ultimatum to stop seeing the other not for any reason other than she wanted something her sister hadn't.
Hope that makes more sense lol.....
Mike x
Quote by Abilene
LOL Kiss you goof ball ... nobaody has any need to be paranoid. As I said its not as obvious as the local detectives would like to think. I guess I would also love some helpful and nonjudgemental input about what you would do should something like this arise for you.

i think attachment issues are prevelant throughout all relationships..... both men and women have em.... and i dont think they are uncommon in all of us....... at least at some levels. its truly difficult to have sex without emotion.
we're (supposedly) all having sex with different people on here and therefore some issues are gonna arise out of most activity.. somewhere along the line.
i dont generally think that theres an answer for dealing with people who dont see eye to eye with on this sort of level.. other than telling them the way it is.... or is gonna be ... or should be... and then waiting to see their reaction...
some of us are gonna be able to deal with our issues, others arent....
i suppose the answer is to choose your partners wisely... and dont rush into things.
more importantly ... if it goes tits up.... deal with it... firmly....
as to the jealousy issue...... i've been there.....believe me..... on the receiving end and its not pretty...
swapping is a serious business and i rate the couples on here that manage to do it sensibly and successfully........
its an adult thing and a maturity thing............
some people are just unable to cope thats all.....
Quote by mdr2000
they had been discussing us over Sunday Lunch....

Quote by Manolishi
Sorry Abi, although everyone would seem to agree with you, I do not. To me, it shows a complete lack of tact.
As I say, just my two-penneth for what it's worth.

I totally respect your comments and opinion. I thought long and hard about what I said and the way it was said. As hard as it may be to understand from a surface level the people/person/animal/tree/car that I am talking about has actually had a major bit of input into what I wrote. I would NEVER have done sometihng like this without first being adult enough to talk with the person/parties/inanimate object involved. As I said, I feel (and still do ) that it is an issue that is not exclusive to me so was looking for others input on how they would or did handle similar situations to either a)thwart them or b)prevent in the first place.
Again let me say, I appreciate your honesty with me but all is not as it would appear. I just had to for the sake of being honest be secretive ( boy if that comment is not gonna get me flamed .... lol ).
Abi xxx
Quote by dambuster

Made sense to me too - but I personally just don't enjoy/like vague threads that can make people paranoid for no reason - unless it's about them....... who said that?
dunno biggrin

Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're notout to get you :shock:

I'm not being paranoid at all, and I think it's a very good subject. However I just wanted to be honest and say that there have been some posts and threads that are started purely as a way to hint at things etc, just didn't want it to fall into that trap.
An interesting subject...
This goes back to the core of swinging: sex and love are 2 different things. If that's not something your head or your heart is content with, might I suggest you follow the helpful link at the top of the page to Heaven Dating!
I think the important thing is that the person who is having attachment issues realises it's *them* who has the issue, not the object of their unrequited love. If the object of your desire wants no strings attached, then that's what's on offer... unless they happen to feel the same way after sepending time with you.
Having said that, affection often develops, and if it is mutual, then so much the better! We do have our fair share of romantic success stories round here, but that's got a lot more to do with the fact that we have a lot of wonderful people round here who enjoy spending time together than anything else!
Nope, totally agree with the original poster on this matter.
If you are involved in the swinging scene then best to leave your emotional attachments at the front door as you wipe your feet.....
If you are looking for a serious relationship/dating/long term situation/wanting to get hitched/ call it what you will then you should have a big enough and strong enough constitution to not get emotionally to attached to the person that you are swinging with.
And as mentioned previously if the person does start to feel emotionally or possesive then that is their issue and not the other persons. Perhaps they should be strong enough to tell the other person how they feel and if necessary decide to stop seeing / swinging with each other...
Dont get me wrong, theres nothing wrong with showing kindness, affection, respect and compassion to the person but for me - its just sex between two consenting adults. If/when I want to settle down then its the straight and narrow for me and I would expect the same in return from the "ahem" Lucky lady....
But hey, what do I know anyway......
dunno :dunno: bolt
Yes it's all very well having the intention of not coupling up, getting emotionaly invloved, getting more intimate etc etc, but we are only human after all!
I for one don't have 'attachment issues' but you never know what's around the corner. I think dealing kindly with somebody who has become 'attached' to you is more important than pretending to be an emotionless robot.
Quote by Robin Prince of Thieves
Nope, totally agree with the original poster on this matter.
If you are involved in the swinging scene then best to leave your emotional attachments at the front door as you wipe your feet.....
If you are looking for a serious relationship/dating/long term situation/wanting to get hitched/ call it what you will then you should have a big enough and strong enough constitution to not get emotionally to attached to the person that you are swinging with.
And as mentioned previously if the person does start to feel emotionally or possesive then that is their issue and not the other persons. Perhaps they should be strong enough to tell the other person how they feel and if necessary decide to stop seeing / swinging with each other...
Dont get me wrong, theres nothing wrong with showing kindness, affection, respect and compassion to the person but for me - its just sex between two consenting adults. If/when I want to settle down then its the straight and narrow for me and I would expect the same in return from the "ahem" Lucky lady....
But hey, what do I know anyway......
dunno :dunno: bolt

So friendship over and above "hey how you doing, fancy a drink" isnt an option?
so if a person is after friendship, and possible companionship, they are in the wrong place, as this site is "just sex between two consenting adults"?
so why have the forums then, other than LMU, might as well just have that, and the ads section surely?
Quote by essex34m
So friendship over and above "hey how you doing, fancy a drink" isnt an option?
so if a person is after friendship, and possible companionship, they are in the wrong place, as this site is "just sex between two consenting adults"?
so why have the forums then, other than LMU, might as well just have that, and the ads section surely?

I agree
I'm wondering if theres been some confusion between attachment and outright jelousy.
Jelousy had no place here at all.
But i think there needs to be a certain amount of attachment for any NSA sex for it to work.
I think the term NSA is a little false as there has to be some attraction there.
Quote by Scandal
But i think there needs to be a certain amount of attachment for any NSA sex for it to work.
I think the term NSA is a little false as there has to be some attraction there.

I disagree. I go to clubs and meet some sexy people and have recreational sex then leave and go home never to see them again. I might not even know their real names.
For me the enjoyment was in the art of the action and that is what I went there for.
Sure I might agree to meet up with some of them again but it would be for sex not to compare baggage.

Good point on the club aspect. Something i've not got into thus never thought about it.
A couple of points I'd like to make:
We only meet at clubs so never woo people. (Imagine spending all that time then finding they're a crap shag. lol ) Our view of swinging is that it's a great way to have sex that you just can't get at home, and as a by-product it is possible to make good friends. (Our social circle is now almost entirely made up of couples we've met at clubs.) Should anyone - couple or single - show any signs of 'clinginess' over and above normal friendship then that is a very strong danger sign and we would certainly begin to distance ourselves from them. We find no need whatsoever to form any attachment whatsoever before we play. Any friendship is made after the event, not before.
Quote by essex34m
So friendship over and above "hey how you doing, fancy a drink" isnt an option?
so if a person is after friendship, and possible companionship, they are in the wrong place, as this site is "just sex between two consenting adults"?
so why have the forums then, other than LMU, might as well just have that, and the ads section surely?

Should people be here for friendship only? It's a free country. People should do whatever floats their boat. The only objection I have to the 'friendship only' camp is when people who are here to meet and play are told what swinging is and how they should or shouldn't post by people who rarely, if ever, play.
Quote by Robin Prince of Thieves
Dont get me wrong, theres nothing wrong with showing kindness, affection, respect and compassion to the person but for me - its just sex between two consenting adults. If/when I want to settle down then its the straight and narrow for me and I would expect the same in return from the "ahem" Lucky lady....
But hey, what do I know anyway......
dunno :dunno: bolt

I'm assuming that it's me reading it wrong, or that Robin only ever plays with other singles as a twosome, However, the straight and narrow quote could appear that it's ok to shag other people's wives as a stop-gap, but don't come near mine when I find one. I'm not sure if that is the attitude of a swinger or someone playing the field. confused
Quote by northwest-cpl

So friendship over and above "hey how you doing, fancy a drink" isnt an option?
so if a person is after friendship, and possible companionship, they are in the wrong place, as this site is "just sex between two consenting adults"?
so why have the forums then, other than LMU, might as well just have that, and the ads section surely?

Should people be here for friendship only? It's a free country. Do whatever floats your boat. The only objection I have to the 'friendship only' camp is when people who are here to meet and play are told what swinging is and how they should or shouldn't post by people who rarely, if ever, play.
fair and valid point, it is a case of whatever floats your boat, would be interesting to see how many people who have signed up have stayed and got involved
Quote by Robin Prince of Thieves
Dont get me wrong, theres nothing wrong with showing kindness, affection, respect and compassion to the person but for me - its just sex between two consenting adults. If/when I want to settle down then its the straight and narrow for me and I would expect the same in return from the "ahem" Lucky lady....
But hey, what do I know anyway......
dunno :dunno: bolt

I'm assuming that it's me reading it wrong, or that Robin only ever plays with other singles as a twosome, However, the straight and narrow quote could appear that it's ok to shag other people's wives as a stop-gap, but don't come near mine when I find one. I'm not sure if that is the attitude of a swinger or someone playing the field. confused
thats how i read it......
Different people use this sight for different reasons. We don't all go to clubs, we don't all use the ads, we don't all use the forum. Many use a mixture, it's whatever works for them. Looking down your nose at people who use this site in a different way to you seems quite narrow minded (this isn't aimed at anyone in particular - just the the way the thread seemed to be going)
I use this site because I'm not looking to settle down right now and I'm not looking to be monogamus, so it would be unfair of me to use a regular dating site - I would hate to hurt someone's feelings because they misinterpreted my signals. There aren't any clubs close to me and vanilla type one night stands don't appeal either. I want to build up a relationship with someone - just not in the traditional sense of the word.
We're not all here for a quick shag with absolutely no further contact, but if that's what works for you then fine - but don't ridicule those who are looking for something a little deeper. I understand what Abi said in the first instance and she's absolutely right - if you are the jealous type then this is not the place for you, but there is space for a slightly broader cross-section than is being implied.
Have I misread this or does anyone agree?
I totally agree with and understand what you are saying.
If I had tried again to explain myself it would no-doubt have come out something like this:
:censored: :fuckinghell: :censored:
So thanks for that H.
I think maybe I may have been a little misunderstood here. I have no problems at all with people ( myself included ) developing mutual feelings. Of course the ultimate goal ( for me anyway ) would be to meet that special someone male or female who got so far inside my head that I wanted a permanant type relationship with and if they enjoyed the same things I did that would be fantastic. All I am saying is that if someone has been totally upfront with you from the very first contact you have no place getting upset when things don't go how you would like for them to. I agree that you can't choose who you develope feelings for but when they are not reciprocated you can't get angry. Its just not fair especially given the place/circumstances under which you discovered that person. Which goes back to my origional train of thought that I now see in hindsight was not worded how I intended it to .... if you think you may have an insecurity or jealousy problem you should probably for the sake of all involved try to work through it before taking things a step further.
Did that come out better ... if not, then hell with it cos thats how I feel. redface
My post wasn't meant to have a go at you Abi, I just read a few mentions, throughout the thread, that swinging could and should only be a purley sexual, with no allowance at all for freindships and relationships. When I use the term relationship I don't use it to mean 'partner'.
Quote by H-x
My post wasn't meant to have a go at you Abi,

Oh I know that hun ... I was actually trying to address ( thats a harsh sounding word but bear with me its been a bitch of a day ) a few different things said but all in one ... I am crap at quoting more that one person at a time in a post ... you should know I am non-techy ... lol.
Love ya
Although we joined in December, we still consider ourselves new to the scene. One meet, one house party, first munch at the weekend. We have had time to assess what we feel swinging really is and more importantly perhaps, what it is'nt.
My view (which may be different to Stormy's) is that for a woman especially there has a to be an emotional connection in order for sex to happen. So if there has to be an emotional connection then surely there has to be a relationship confused: Now the problem is that wherever there is a relationship there are emotion issues and that is where things like jealousy, envy, rejection etc all come into play. I think that it's not the having the emotions that is the problem, they are just human nature. It's knowing how to deal with them if they are your emotions and also how to deal with them if they are someone elses. Emotions called compassion, kindness and honesty would be useful at this stage. smile
In answer to the people on here who are single and would also like a deeper relationship, then I think they should be here rather than a dating site as they are more likely to meet a likeminded person here.
Just my meanderings!
I'll shut up now shall I? bolt
Quote by sheddy
It looks so much better in context do you not think? I know at times i may not get my point across clear enough for all to under stand what I mean I am a naive country bumpkin after all. But constant pedantic digs at me are genuinely makeing me question why I still use the forum at all............hell a fair few have threatened to flounce of late so why shouldn't I confused

Oh dear.
First thing.
Sorry Abi redface
Why shouldn't you what ?
flounce ?
or threaten to ??
The flounce door is over there >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
As for "constant pedantic digs" at you
I can't say that I've noticed, but if you're including me in that statement - don't flatter yourself. Comments made by me, about, or to, you are little more than casual observations. As are most of my comments about anybody, or anything.
I will though, nearly always speak out when I see what I think is misinformation, potential misunderstandings or bad advice; among other things.
I wasn't aware that I'd quoted you out of context, as that wasn't my intent.
I had concerns that people may see your writings and "nature of the site" comment as an indication that part of the nature of the site was about people "coupling up" in the same way as I did. In my not-so-humble opinion, it is a huge mistake to think so.
Yes, people do couple-up here. But to have that as an intention is, in my opinion, a huge mistake and should be more discouraged than encouraged.
Now . . . You've expressed your concerns ( dunno ) publicly about my comment, and I've responded publicly. I'd suggest any further responses are done in private.
WOW! That lot took some reading and I'm still trying to digest some of the points. But, the diversity of opinions is what makes this site so great.
So, here's two cents worth from someone who doesn't actively swing but also doesn't rule it out as a possible option ;-)
In the past we've only ever swung (that word never seems right) with people we count as friends. Why don't we swing now? Because most of our friends couldn't handle the fact that we wouldn't be faithful to them alone. It just got messy and friendship is too precious. I guess that's the attachment thing, so I think I know where you're coming from Abi.
So now we're looking at it the other way round. If we were to swing with someone now, we'd pick someone with a swinging track record who we know would respect the fact the we might choose to swing with others. That said, if it developed into a friendship and we were all still happy to continue the sex side of things, then maybe we wouldn't need to go elsewhere.
Bluddy hell.... I had that all straight in my head but now it sounds like polygamous garbage :-(
BTW.... I also thought this was about adding JPEGs to emails rolleyes
Quote by firelizard
Although we joined in December, we still consider ourselves new to the scene. One meet, one house party, first munch at the weekend. We have had time to assess what we feel swinging really is and more importantly perhaps, what it is'nt.
My view (which may be different to Stormy's) is that for a woman especially there has a to be an emotional connection in order for sex to happen. So if there has to be an emotional connection then surely there has to be a relationship confused: Now the problem is that wherever there is a relationship there are emotion issues and that is where things like jealousy, envy, rejection etc all come into play. I think that it's not the having the emotions that is the problem, they are just human nature. It's knowing how to deal with them if they are your emotions and also how to deal with them if they are someone elses. Emotions called compassion, kindness and honesty would be useful at this stage. smile
In answer to the people on here who are single and would also like a deeper relationship, then I think they should be here rather than a dating site as they are more likely to meet a likeminded person here.
Just my meanderings!
I'll shut up now shall I? bolt

Sorry fire but that's a contradiction isn't it. Having to have an emotional connection in order to have sex and looking for a deeper relationship over the 'no attatchment at all purely sexual', aren't they the same thing or are we on a semantics issue here?