Three glasses of red, small just like me ;) poured and awaiting...
TnH darling................... :inlove:
Done anything interesting with a glass pint pot recently? :beer:
Mr. Fertility, you'd be safe with me :twisted:
Kids at this age - it's a bundle of laughs. I am sharing the house with a hormonal teenager (female) who seems to interpret 'No' as "Go on then. If you dare."
Toddling twins (also female) who seem to interpret 'No' as "Go on then. If you dare."
A pregnant partner who is getting understandably exasperated with all of the above.
The sex of the bump is as yet unknown. We keep referring to it as 'he' in the hope that it will have some effect but I can't say that I am feeling too optimistic at the moment.
Still look on the bright side. I have a full glass of port in front of me (large), Sappho - in spite of the trials and tribulations - is as wonderful as ever......and I am staying at Kit's house tomorrow night!!!! :twisted:
Bookings this way please>>>>>>>>>>>>> :twisted: