If its as bad as that maybe A&E at your local hospital..
An xray couldn't do any harm.... if its just bruised badly they can prescribe far better pain relief!
I was practically imobile for nearly 2 years, you have my sympathy!
If you can take them without ill effect, take some anti-inflamatories, hot and cold alteranation on your back will help reduce the inflamation, cold (frozen peas wrapped in a towel) for as long as you can take it then a hot water bottle (be careful its not too hot) for the same. Repeat this. Don't not move, yes it hurts but the worst thing you can do is not keep moving, even if it's only a little, your muscles will seize and it'll take that much longer to loosen up again. I have an excellent osteopath, same people they work for, some not - depends what you've done. If it's just musccular then a good massage will help. When it's better, start doing some stretching and strengthening exercises - if you have a weekness its not going to go away
hope this helps.
I would suggest you get yourself to your local A+E, if its so bad you can't walk and bearing in mind this injury came from a fall you will probably need an Xray which your GP is likely to send you for tomorrow anyway.
Failing that, ring NHS Direct, they have been brilliant when I have used them
I hope you get better soon xxxx
never tried em. Anything within Ibuprofen (not sure if I can say that or not) should help, so long as your not allergic or taking anyhing else. (or have stomach ulcers)
definate trip to the doctors for you though.
Howdy, just thought i'd get my bit in too!
most of the advice has been pretty sound, gentle movements, and anti inflammatories are the best at the mo.
Although your doc said stay off work, you should aim to get back as soon as poss, as moving is the best therapy. (if you have a really active job then be sensible obviously!)
what did you actually do?
not so sure about the advice of alternate heat/cold - this tends to be good advice for more long term back pain.
With an acute injury, you would usually use ice and compression with some sort of tubi grip bandage to prevent inflammation, and also to 'block' pain (pain gate theory- your sensory receptors have a preference for hot and cold sensation rather than pain)
however, If you hit your back when you fell, then ice may help, but heat would do the complete opposite and cause more inflammation. backs don't really tend to 'swell' though so ice probably wont help either. Also, if it was a muscular injury (from a jerking or twisting type movement) then heat may help to relax any tension or spasm in your muscles, but then again, could cause more inflammation and then more pain.
So Ice and heat can be good, but with back injuries that tends to depend on the type of injury.
Good movements are lying on your back, knees bent (like you're about to do sit-ups) then gently dropping you knees out to one side towards the floor and then to the other.
Gently turning from right to left in sitting is good, as is curling up in a ball.
If you can, lie on your stomach and gently push up onto your elbows, lifting your head and chest up ( a yoga pose!)
massage can also be good, depending on the type of injury.
for sleeping at night, you could try on your front with a pillow under your stomach, but again, that depends on the type of injury, so just make sure you take some pain killers!
If you notice anything strange, like pins and needles/tingling in your buttocks, legs, or loss of sensations, increased pain, problems going to the loo, then you should go and get checked out again.
Sciatica is irritation of your sciatic nerve, and if you had this, you would notice other symptoms rather than just back pain!
if you let me know more details i can give you more advice (but its just advice - v difficult to give proper advice without examination!)
Failing all that good advice, I could always walk up and down your back in my boots......................kill or cure time ! :giggle:
serious imput from me from once.......but most back problems can be sorted by working on your core strenth........ie ur stomach muscles.......with this sort of injury the best way is to use certain exercises to build these muscles..........one of the best forms is pilates........and the other is yoga........if u can find a good instructor they will have it sorted in no time.......i'm not qualified to teach pilates but i am for yoga and i will shortly be instructing another member in it so if anyone else wants to join the class ur welcome (and before u ask i won't be in a leotard!)