I don't even know if anyone will feel like answering this in the forum, but I'm going to ask anyway. I'm even struggling how to word it so it doesn't bode well!
My question is about pornography, and if the male(s) in the scene were wearing condoms, would this make any difference to your viewing pleasure? This may seem an odd question, but a while ago when pornography was discussed it was often suggested that the viewer imagined they were the 'porn star' (for want of a better term).
Also if a woman/bi man/gay man etc were watching the condom wearing male(s), would you perceive that he was having less enjoyment because he was wearing a condom? Would this affect your viewing pleasure?
I don't know what made me think of this - for me personally it doesn't make any difference to my enjoyment. I don't watch a huge amount of porn, and if I do it's usually of bi/gay men, and the modern stuff I own usually shows the males wearing condoms for penetration, so you could say I'm used to it! :lol2:
I just wanted to say that this is NOT a discussion at all about the rights and wrongs of bareback, nor what people think about those who do or do don’t like/enjoy/participate etc in bareback activities - so I would be ever so appreciative if we could keep it off that particular subject.