How often do you follow your instincts ???????????????????
That little gut reaction or feminine intuition that tells you which path you should follow.... the small voice of reason within yourself....... your own judgement and no-one elses...
How often do you listen to this little 'half halt' that tells you something???????
And once listened to....... do you go with it???????
With what results??????
equi-princess xxx
p.s. a 'half halt' is a check on the reins.... a steadying
My eldest boy and I were talking about gut instinct just yesterday. He's what they call a "sensitive". Had his imaginary friend till around the age of 7.
Being an indecisive Libra I do tend to go with my gut instinct on most things. If I'm troubling over a discission I light a candle and hand the problem to the Gods (meditate). I always get my answer.
Is that like riding a donkey instead of a horse?
Being a libran i also go with first instinct
i am a strong believer in not procrastinating but getting on with it
over the years my instinct has been spot on 99.9% but ive been foolish many a time and ignored it in alot of different ares of my life but its been there niggling away at me untill something crap happens and im always the one to suffer for it.
not anymore from now on my first gut reaction is the one i will always follow.
Dearest equi-princess, is there an association between riding & randiness - since my wife started riding again last year, she's been wearing me out? Would be grayeful for your expert opinion.
Normally I decide in haste and repent in leisure.
My instincts are fecking crap lol ......... probably coz I've systematically pickled my brain with alcohol over the past 20 years. .... hehehe
I normally follow G'sinstinct. It is much better than mine.
I thank God for allowing me to follow mine on more than one occasion.
Well wit Suzie I've never had any compaints about the technique - Its simply a randiness thing!. Is there some magic ingredient in saddle soap or something? If I could bottle it I'd make a fortune.
I always follow my gut, although it's a hit and miss thing on whether it works. Picking the right temp job out of 3 on offer is a good example, ending up going back halfway from Carmarthen to Swansea on the train because the ticket inspectors were actually there, is a bad example.
It also tends to help me know what people are feeling, and what they're about to do which often leads to confusion as I tend to answer their questions before they've even asked them.
I follow my instincts most of the time, and I'm very rarely wrong. When I sit and ponder for ages and umm and ahhh it's far more likely to end up a mess than when I just go with how I feel / what I feel is right.
knowing my luck if I followed my instincts I'd probably done for stalking :shock:
A psychic friend of mine told me that when you think about something you want to do and you get a physical feeling of butterflies and excitement, or you feel a tingling of your skin, that's your guardian angels telling you that it's the right choice.
I don't believe in guardian angels myself, btu I thought it was interesting. I do tend to follow signs like that and I don't think I have ever been wrong. :angel: