I may be wrong but...does everyone not have a favorite Beatles song?
As a band that went through many stages of music, my favorite stage was the very early songs. From it's a hard days night, through to help. The later songs I had a indifferent attitude too. Some were superb and a lot were pretty dire.
My two most favorite songs are... The long and winding Road, but I think my all time best is...she's leaving home. The lyrics are so simple, but those words I find very haunting.
Have a listen to the song and the words, if you do not know the song.
Have you a favorite Beatles song, and if so which one would it be?
The Beatles were pants!!! :rascal:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This is going to be a hard days night!
favourite beatles song.... ooooh....
do "help" at karaoke... badly...
my fave I think has to Eleanor Rigby....
the beatles were brilliant and crap, to everyone his choice. I have loads of memories built from my parents days in Liverpool when they started out unknown and local to them. From my Mum's tales of nicking of school, getting changed in the cavern club toilets to watch them to playing in Paul Mcartneys grandads garden as kids and uncles who used to roadie for them when they got back from Hamburg.
I love them all
BTW Dave hates them and turns the radio off as soon as they come on
Day Tripper - reminds me of being about 16 or 17 and going out round Liverpool. Someone once said it reminded him of me. It reminds me of him now. *sighs*
But loadsa faves really. Hard to pick.
Nola x
My personal fave is "Things we said today"
In my Life - great lyrics
also like Blackbird
my favourite group of all time and impossible to pick a favourite but i love a day in the life,in my life,dear prudence and i am the walrus the best b side of all time
forgot to mention 'while my guitar gently weeps ' and 'something'. how on earth something only made number 4 in the charts i'll never know but it was the only track written by harrison that was made into a number one in the states but they had come together as the a side over there
Maxwell's Silver Hammer, because it was the first British commercial record to record and feature a .