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before swinging heaven

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and the net, those of you old enough to remember how didd the swinging scene work, how has it changed for you,how did you arrange meets etc has it improved, ive got a good idea , it seems lotrs easier now but thought it would be interesting to here your tales
In the old good days, you had to advertise in top shelf mags. You would place your ads and then have to wait MONTHS for any replies to filter through via a mail box you hired from the publisher.
Moving on, and publications like The Loot made finding swinging partners easier. In fact I got my first swinging partner from there.
Of course life is much easier now. Thank Goodness!
I had a number of swinging experiences with couples via contact ads in Loot during the time I loved in London - I met at least 12 couples in the space of a couple of years. I've met only one couple in the past three years via the net, and that was not via SH. So I've had far more success with Loot ads than with the net - maybe I should go back to Loot....
Well, back in those days things were much simpler. You need to remember that there was a certain hierarchy in marriage and an order to life. So, if you fancied a bit of "double trouble" it went like this.
Step 1. Approach your spouse and tell them in an authoratative tone - "My Dear. Tonight I intend to indulge in a new experience which will require you to accept your place in our marriage, and in society as a whole. You might not enjoy what's about to happen, but endure it you must for it is the way of the world".
Step 2. Bathe yourself, ensuring you're fresh and sporting a cleanly shaven appearance.
Step 3. Dress in the finest garments that your spouse has prepared and laid out for your satisfaction.
Step 4. Leave your domicile, waving a short farewell to your spouse who's looking out fondly as you pick up a jaunty pace along the path and around the corner.
Step 5. After a short amble through the countryside you should find yourself approaching a neighbouring village. Be aware that you should never attempt this in your own village. What you're doing might be acceptable to society as a whole, but it's still frowned upon if you're caught in the act by your own friends and neighbours.
Step 6. Approach the local watering hole and assume a vantage point downwind of the gathered masses. Use this time wisely. It's your best chance of interpreting the various styles of body language and subliminal signals being given off by your victim of choice.
Step 7. Once you've identified your target, ply them with copeous amounts of alchohol. Charm them and ensure that they are willing to engage with you in your quest for pleasure. Entice them with stories of previously unimagined ecstacy and debauchery.
Step 8. When compliance has been achieved, lead them through the night back to your home, noticing your Dearest at the door eagerly awaiting your return.
Step 9. Retire to boudoir and proceed to engage in extreme lovemaking with the newcomer, ensuring that she is as pleasured as you yourself.
Step 10. Tell your husband to stop playing with himself and join you both on the bed!!
cool :twisted: 8-)
I totally agree with MikeNorth and Heather,
I've met lots of couples through Loot. There
is something special, I think, about a person's
voice which tells you much more than a (distorted?)
photo. SH is great, but probably takes a lot more
time and effort than a voice advert, although its
a different clientele, and perhaps cpls on SH
are more keen on long-term friendships than
voice adverts. Hard to tell as I've not been on
here long enough !
Ash x