So been in threesome with fuck buddy previously and had a whale of a time and very keen to play again but in a mff threesome and this time with no fuckable friend .
Certainly am able to separate sex from love( or even knowing- straight dirty fucking with dogging) , But know that I have to have a connection/like/ get on with/fancy someone involved in the playing and that has been fb up til now .
Found that threesomes is more prolonged, relaxed and more connection involved. Also playing with a fb - develops a level of intimacy based on caring and friendship. Nothing better after a fantastic evening of playing than in lying in post coital relaxation with holding,stroking, chatting and falling asleep in someone arms. I am thinking this is an intimacy that will and should be reserved for the couple - was in our case.
Just struggling to get my head around both the practicalities of playing, having fun and then just cleaning up, getting dressed, leaving the hotel room/ house to either return alone to my own room or drive home but also possibly the emotional ramifications too .
Would welcome ideas or advice from either singles in that situation or how couples have handled the parting of the ways , so to speak
Wantonwench what a beautiful description of what you experience. I love to join a secure loving couple and hope I can enhance/expand their physical pleasure as well as enjoying myself rather a lot too!But I know there is a special type of affection between them I can't cross over into, it's a bit like reading a code, knowing when to step you can meet with smiles and part with smiles that's all good.
mmf every time, unless of course the f thinks differently. However, more rest, more attention to f and unless the m is a bit hung up about his own sexuality, then nothing better than a handful of cock.
why is it that guys are so hung up about 'straight', why not bi curious and give it a go?
Hi single pringle, long serving team player here lol
This thread is great ty .
Imo the meets themselves are down to the approach taken and build up. I have a keen interest in both members of the couple and feel its ness to click with both be it mf couple or ff couples. Put simply easy enter easy leave. Meets can be awkward but with the right start its gunna end well. I started here 10years ago as a couple and can relate on both sides of the situation, offer respect and keen intrest in the couple and not just the mrs and your usually off to a good sesh.
Reply via mobile sorry for poor reply lol
Happy swinging peeps x