Now before i begin,i want to point out that in no way is this an attack on any religion or regilgious organisation,so please don't take any is just my personal view and i'm extemely open to anyone elses view points.
I have never felt at all religious in my life,even though saying that when the shit has hit the wall i have said "god please help me",i don't know if this is at all a deep down belief or just something that is generally said.
Ever since September 11th ive really begun to think that religion is the main provider of hate and distruction in the face it most wars over the centuries have had something to do with scares me to think that many religious people seem to think that theyre god wants them to inflict pain and suffering on others.I don't deny that religion can be a powerful thing and can be channelled for the purpose of good,but it is also used for great amounts of most religious people would never act like this but some religious nuts will and do,as we all know.
I do believe that everyone has a sort of spirit that looks over us,but i don't see this as a god,because in my opinion no almighty power would let some of the cruel things that has happened to this yes i belief in some kind of higher presence but not in a godly sort of way,if you follow me.I also believe we have a date stamped on us and no matter what we do we will die on this date.
I'm sorry if anyone has taken offence to what i have put,this most definately wasnt what i'm trying to do.I just want people to know more about me and what my feelings on diferent things are.
If anyone really takes serious offence then please pm me and i will make sure that this thread gets locked.
Thanks for taking your time to read this.
I don't see how anyone could take offence at anything you said there Steve.
On a personal front I also feel there is something out there, but I am not religious in the recognised sense. I believe that it is how you live your life and how you treat other people which counts, not attending a church.
I also believe that the way some fanatics are about their religion is destructive.
Lunatics hide behind religion as an excuse for their actions - these people are not truly religious.
This said religion can be a comfort to some people in times of trouble.
What I am trying to say is that although I am not religious myself - but I respect the beliefs of those who are (fanatics excluded)
have to say my nearest belief really is Buddism.......I believe we are all god. Now that may sound weird...but what i mean is we all have the power with-in ourselves to be good or bad. We chose, not some almighty being or spirit. I think some people can use religion as an excuse for there actions.
The power of good and bad are very strong....use it wisely !!!!
I read somewhere that more people had been killed in the name of "god" than all the other wars put together.
(the spelling of "god" is intentional)
Hey Steve, I think anyone with a real religious conviction would not take offence against anyone, whatever they said. Your point of view is far from unique and logical based on the horrors we have seen done in the name of religion.
However I think a lot of what we see is not religion, it is religion used as an excuse for violence. A quick line from the bible I have always remembered sets my view on judging others:
"Do not stop to point out the speck of wood in your friends eye, instead work on removing the plank from your own, to be all the better able to see and help your brother remove the spec from his" or words to that effect, sorry I not a chapter and verse man.
Or simply don't look to condemn others, you got enough to worry about in your own life that is wrong. When you start thinking you are better than others that is when the problems start. Everyone has faults, so focus on improving your own self, and don't ever feel you are there and righteous, cause that will be start downhill.
The fanatics think they are pure, therefore everyone else is evil, they are putting themselves above God, although I doubt they see it that way. In the end there are wars in the world, people will fight and they will kill, to say this is because of religion seems just in some cases an excuse for violence by people who must enjoy it.
On the is there a God because bad things happen, I always follow the thought that he gave us free will. With that came a price, we can do what we want, that includes bad things. If God stopped bad things then we would no longer have a choice, and without free will would not be what we are. We must chose to do good in the world if we want a good world. God can't make it good without making it not the world we wanted.
Whoa, deep type post alert... In the words of Monty Python "Run Away..."
I married into a very religious family :shock: and for a while tried hard to give it ago. I truly believe their teachings but the lifestyle just isn't for me and their teachings are held up by current world events.
I have natural leanings towards paganism of some form and am more influenced by nature and our whole belonging to the earth, not earth belonging to us. It makes me sound very hippy and tree hugging (which I don't mind ) but I can't define myself in such terms.
I don't think religion can necessarily be the cause of the world's ills ... it creates peace for far more people than it causes problems for ... instead I have to say I blame mankind ... intolerance, bigotry, racism, prejudice and greed are to blame in my opinion - none of these are religious traits.
Good post Steve and some excellent replies and opinions.
Most of the wars we associate with religion stem from the Abramic religions based on The Bible, ie. Jewish, Christain, Islamic. They all stem from the same root source. In many countries where religion is the fundamental basis of culture, fanatics and extremists will hijack those beliefs and manipulate others (often the young and uneducated) to do their bidding. The same happened here during the middle ages with the Crusades. This is unlikely to happen now of course due to the fact we live in a secular society. But where a culture in monotheistic it is far easier to motivate others into doing despicable acts. Religion is often cited as the cause of conflict but many of these middle-eastern cultures have lived succesfully side by side over the centuries.
The conflicts we are seeing today is not so much about religion but about a power struggle. Those that are orchestrating this struggle use religion and ideology to further their ends. These conflicts appear to be over resources, such as oil (as far as the west is concerned) but it is also about world domination as well. Fundamentalists on both sides are fueling this conflict, but these are not truly religious people, no way. They are more concered with power and wealth! And this is always as it has been, always! All wars have been about wealth, power and resources. And the general mass of people have been the sacrificial lambs. I'm not saying wars have been unjustified, just that power struggles have been at the heart of them. And frequently religion has been cited as a justification of war.
I do not believe in an interventionist god! God does intevene in our affairs as to do so would deny us our humanity and individulality. It is said that god has given us free will to act. It is mankind that causes all the bad things in the world, not god. It is up to us to improve the lot of those around us and hopefully those of others on a global scale as well. Although it is often easier to affect those closest to us, by acts of kindness and compassion. That in itself is often enough, as I believe how we treat our children, relatives and friends is passed on, to others and down the generations. That is all that is really expected us. Never underestimate the power of kind acts, even the smallest!
Personally, I am profoundly influenced by Buddhism, which is more a science of self-realisation than a religion. When I say 'self-realisation', this is not something selfish, on the contrary, but means that oneself has gained an undertanding of the self and how it re-acts to the world. Having gained insight into oneself, one also gains insight into others and the whole bloody mess we are in (buddhists call it Samsara, or 'suffering' or 'dissatisfaction' and is often described as 'The Wheel of life', cause it just goes round and round until one decides enough is enough!...and one starts seeking some answers). Simlarly, I am influenced by pagaism and Taoist (Daoist) beliefs, which are more nature based and reflect upon the beauty of the the natural world and the powers of just 'being', that is just 'being' a living human alive in this amazing universe!
How much more healthy these feminine 'religions' than those macho patriarchal religions we have been brought up with. I honestly believe those old tired beliefs are on their way out and what we are seeing in these current conflicts is the end game of the old patriarchal beliefs, but it will take time before they are finally through. In the meantime, I see a real renaissance in the belief in the 'great spirit', as the Amerindians would call it. Some of you on this on this site already seem to have an sense of that, something that goes beyond culture and geographical boundaries. This is the 'true' 'great spirit' embraces all!
I truly wish that there was a God, i wear a crucifix to hedge my bets and ward off vampires but im not sure if it will do me any good either way.
The only thing that i really believe in is Mother Nature. She has created so many beautiful things and people in this world, and most of the beautiful people are on this site the others just haven't found it yet !!!!!!
This is a subject very close to my heart, unfortunately not for the right reasons I guess.
My family has never been religious at all, however at one point I thought I'd give religion 'a chance' when my Auntie was seriously injured in a car crash. I was very young at the time and completely adored her, so I prayed and begged with 'god' to save her. He didn't and she died.
From that day onwards I had a complete aversion and resentment for all religion as I can no longer see the requirement for 'faith', instead I want 'proof'. I tried faith and it failed me, so now I'll settle for proof. Some would argue that it was 'her time', however god seemed pretty heavy on the miracles before the was an accurate method for recording things, so why not now?
Finally, as for going to hell for being an atheist, I maintain that if god is truly forgiving then when I die he'll see that I am a good person and forgive me for the biggest sin of all, non-belief. Up until that point, I see fit to life my life without any interest in it at all and, as has been discussed, I find it like football; it's a shame one of the primary reasons of it's existance is as a reason for people to be horrible to one another.
One of my motto's is "live and let live".
If religion helps people with their lives in whatever way, shape or form, then let it be .....