Best aviator?
I would say either Charles Lindbergh or Chuck Yaeger, or possibly Baron Von Richtofen. :lol2:
My vote would be for Amelia Earhart.
My vote for worst aviator would be for Richard Branson and his ballooning exploits!
Is this like a mini poll ????
Aghhhhhh - and there was me trying to be original!
Mike Melvill has to be up there,
i Like ice Pies one
It reminded me of an old computer game for the master system called Spy Vs Spy
ive really gotta try and get a good one for myself
Bluddy ell, where did you lot come from! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Thought I was only the second to reply :lol2:
So far we have had 3 Americans and a German.
What about the brits
What about....
Douglas Bader
BTW - I kid you not. There is a thoroughfare in Birmingham called 'Bader Walk'
How about "The Red Baron"???
you finally found Mr Wright?
Didn't she die with a silk scarf arround her neck?
Ooops, no that was.... eek, what was her name??!!
Don't forget Guy Gibson and the Dambusters, and no its not a pop group from the 60's :happy: :karaoke: :happy:
The best pilot is a live pilot
Look at the avatar.
Major Tom
I go for Gary Numan.......ok he crashed his plan a couple of times...but still only a many times you crashed your bloody car !!
I vote for Biggles....what, what do you mean he wasn't real...course he was. Ginger, Algy and he defeated The Hun single (well, triple) they flew Camels! (No mean feat in itself: have you ever tried to get one to walk??)
On a serious note, thanks to Easy for the link to the battle of Britain 'Roll of Honour': I read it spellbound. It put my little sniffly cold, mortgage worries and workload in perspective. Well done Easy