well i can think of one thing can you and what is it?
ermmmm let me think..erm....oh shit...erm.....ice cream
i know i know i know.....
close but no prize babe
ill msn my answer to you and see what you think,
saying ...i love you ....to someone ..and meaning it !
and knowing that they love you back. :love:
well we have a winner well done wbn hit the nail on the head for me babe
i hadnt even got started yet....
seems you came a little too quick then willing , try again and we'll will see if it gets any better
having a nice cuddle with someone you love
watching the waves crash on the rocks below your croft
hey willing wanna book a room?
better than sex....ermmmmmmm
now you trying to bribe the judge, look you win, lets book that room ffs lol
you have four thousand pms all from me each one has the same time date and location on it , im taking no chances in case 3999 get lost in cyber space
A hot bath.
A good massage.
Salt'n'vinegar crisps, or Crunchy Stick corn-snacks.
Certain cheeses.
A dog.
A good book.
Certain episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
hot bath..mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
salt n vinegar crisps..mmmmmmmmmmm
not sure they are all better than sex?
Nearly forgot...
Championship Manager 4. :twisted:
roger has had my vote since the bath incident , how about chocolate coated corn flakes , they are pretty bloody good but still not as good as wbn