if that jason wins big brother tonight i`m gona puke...gerrrrrrr god i`m a saddo :doh:
I think I am the only person who does not really care who wins. Perhaps I should of watched it
Ive not watched it either........
But maybe you and I are the only ones that havent!!!
I can proudly say I've never watched a single Big Brother :happy:
Thought I was the only one who didn't watch it. Thanks guys
Who's Jason and why should I care? :twisted:
never ever watched but do read the news about it all am i perverse
He might be in the last two but Nadia has GOT to win!!! If she doesn't I'll change my av to naked breasts! (Bloody hope I'm not gonna regret that, I might get in trouble lol)
This is the first Big Brother thread we've had since the one about Kitten, so you can tell how long ago it was. I must admit I've followed it all the way through. I hoped Shell was going to win. But now, I agree with Burose, anyone but Jason, so GO NADS!!
Nadias the winner folks! She's freaking out!
Can't believe Jason was in the last two though!
wooohoooooo that toss bag jason did`nt win. :thrilled: i think i am now a sertifide sad case :small-print: but happy with it
Ok, in honour of Jason defying all the odds and being the runner up, here's my compromise.......... for one night only lol
That bleeding Jason has got a lot to answer for. I was looking forward to seeing Angel's boobies.
Deeeeeeelicious,Angel......certainly worth putting up with the ginger whinger coming second to see what we can currently see.....
Excellent. other people here don't watch it. I feel much better about myself. I know I can rely on Swinging Heaven.
My mate didn't want to stay out late tonight so she could catch it but in the end she did, getting the news from a passing lager lout.
By the way, MikeNorth, I so LURRVE your avatar. I have a thing about licorice allsorts. What made you choose it?
Hi Jezzay, I just liked the look of the pic of liquorice allsorts. I was just surfing the net to find a pic I liked, to have a change from the pic I have had on my avatar since May and I originally intended to look for one with a marmite jar. The allsorts pic is quite soft and sensual isn't it.
Oh I just LOVE Marmite!!!
MikeNorth - will you marry me?
Well, Angel, you are currently the supremo of the self-portrait....:P
Well, Jezzay, it would certainly be an interesting wedding cake if we got married.....marmite and liquorice allsorts....hmmmmm.
queer isnt` it how you can start a post on jason & big brother & end up with marmite & liquorice. :undecided:
da da da da da da da da da da dah
My mate Marrmite,