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Big is Beautiful???

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Bugga, I made a mistake and you quoted me with it in mad
Quote by freckledbird
Bugga, I made a mistake and you quoted me with it in mad

I don't see one Bev dunno
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Call me what you like, a fat cow or a BBW.
I am a size 24 flipa
I am not that bothered but I would prefer it if you called me Dawn, because that is who I am.

Hiyah Dawn.
I agree, peoples' names are better than labels which are impersonal. Also gotta say you look gorgeous.
Dawn and Cicero have neatly summed it up for me. People with actual personalities don't need labels, and people who label themselves do so because what's in the mirror is, for them, all there is.
lol You been editing Dawn? I was sure i made a spelling mistake confused
Quote by freckledbird
lol You been editing Dawn? I was sure i made a spelling mistake confused

Would I rolleyes
i disagree with Ice Pie, people that 'label themselves' are not without a personality at all
I have a wonderful personality thank you, and I have not labelled myself by saying that I am a BBW. General reference as a bigger woman cuts down the ppl who ask my size and then don't wish to speak to me any more (which has happened on quite a few occassions). I have seen it on ppls add's where they dont want anyone over a particular size etc
Each to their own I say, if people feel the need to identify themselves through 'labelling' it could very well be down to insecurities from many sorts, such as the media from where I began this thread in the first place.
Quote by freckledbird
I have to admit that I wouldn't have a clue what to do with a woman with big tits!

Same as you would a woman with small tits, just takes a bit longer lol
Always willing to learn Bev wink
Well then, I'm a slim, intelligent, funny, emotional, social, open, honest, sexy nymphomanic.
I think I can live with that label quite comfortably thank you lol
:happy: :happy: :happy:
Quote by bbw
I have not labelled myself by saying that I am a BBW.

Remember where you read this folks. rolleyes
I love that label Libra, think I will adopt some of it for myself!
BBW xx (aka Paula!)
the bottom line is because we live in the real world and people come in all different and delicious shapes and sizes. I for one would be most happy to promote you positively!
Quote by JudyTV
[we all have labels including you... Your label is "Ice Pie"

It's not a label, it's a name. It says nothing about ME, it's just a handle. You know perfectly well what the difference is.
Having read Judy's post maybe the difference should be accepting the labels we have for certain times but not to judge somebody for them.
I guess I do have many labels, wife, mother, swinger, Mod rolleyes but I am still the same person.
I am Dawn and I don't want to be judged by a label but by people getting to know me dunno
Dawn :silly:
hiya all
in my ad i have called myself a BBW but this is only coz i have a thing about thing ppl my size!
i have always been a size 16/18 and was very happy with this. untill i took very ill about 3 years ago and wnet up to a size 24 and since then my size has gone up and up! iam at size 26 top and 28 bottom! and very unhappy! but this dose not stop me showing my body off!
i have alway been told that not matter what size you are it dose not matter if you feel happy and sexy then that is all that matters!
if everyone like the same kind of preson what would the world be like??
was goin to put i pic in but i dont know how !! rolleyes
Quote by JudyTV
you are wrong.

My opinion is as good as yours. Deal with it.
My name is a means of identification. Your label is a definition. The only definition I need is "person".
THAT's the difference.
Having read this thread, i think there are some really good points. i have to admit that, although to some extent i am part of the "Big is Beautiful" brigade, i do agree with Ice Pie and Dawn etc in that i am not "beautiful" BECAUSE i am big. TBH, i cant remember EVER being a size 10 or 12, the smallest i remember being is a 14. And, TBH, its never bothered me. Ok, i'm doing the "Drop a Jeans Size" diet, but NOT because i'm ashamed of my size, or the way i look, but beacause we're going on holiday soon and i want to fit into last years clothes, lol!!!
I personally dont think size should be an issue, if you're happy with yourself and the way you are then it doesnt matter what you look like.
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Call me what you like, a fat cow or a BBW.
I am a size 24 flipa
I am not that bothered but I would prefer it if you called me Dawn, because that is who I am.

<edit> I have now covered some of my face up biggrin </edit>

I think you look least there's two of us out here.
Oh, i forgot to say Dawn, you are a stunning looking girlie.........and i'd have never guessed you were that size when i met you.......................... which just goes to show that size is just a number, lol!
Quote by freckledbird
Apologies if someone's already said this but no, big is NOT always beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? So someone might look at me and think 'yuk fat cow' , then look at another larger lady and think 'wow'. It's more than a size issue, it's about perception of a person as a whole. I do think that some women use the BBW label incorrectly sometimes. It's very hard to say that thin people are nicer or fat people are nicer and restrict yourself to one or the other. Some larger ladies do get very defensive when turned down (seen it in chat rooms) and either end up pleading to be fucked or moaning and saying that the person is wrong/don't know what they're missing. Well, they aren't wrong. It's everyone's right to turn someone down on whatever grounds they like. Just because you're fat doesn't mean people should give you a chance because you're calling yourself BBW.
I do agree with you on the whole idea of the media portraying the idea that thin women are better. However, being a large lady hasn't stopped some women from being successful (Dawn French, Jo Brand, Alison Moyet). These women, and others, have the confidence to stand up and do what they do very well and sod what people think of them.
I'd shag Dawn French any day in preference to Kate Moss, but that's because I think that DF is lovely and KM is a bloody ugly cow, not because she's skinny.

^^^^^^^^ wot she said! smile
I'm a large lady and I automatically think people won't like me for being large... I am slowly discovering that it's not the case... but I do admire those women of us with ample portions that get out there and flaunt it! I wish I had that confidence! :)
God me too Wibbly.
Then again, skinnier women don't always feel confident either do they?
No matter what size we long as we're happy who cares what others thinK?
Quote by freckledbird
God me too Wibbly.
Then again, skinnier women don't always feel confident either do they?

Hiya Bev,
Since I've never, ever been skinny it is a difficult question for me to answer. smile
I certainly now recognise that confidence is the key. Before I met GT I'd walk around with shoulders slouched assuming that no one was interested in me. After a few weeks of knowing GT I remember walking to the bank. I was thinking about what we'd done the night before and I must have had a smile on my face. I caught a glimpse of me in a window and my shoulders were back, head held high with a dreamy, smiley look on my face... and as I walked further on at least two gentleman smiled at me. :twisted:
Now maybe they smiled before and I didn't see them... chicken or egg... who knows? confused
Thank you for the compliments ladies and gents redface but that was not my point in the posting of my picture.
I am not saying I am proud to be big, I am proud to be me. It is only recently that I have been able to say that.
I will always remember a comment from one of our members. At the last NW munch I met someone that had become a good friend.
When we got home and back to pmming I said "See, I told you I was a big girl"
His reply was "I never noticed" biggrin
Dawn :silly:
Quote by Alexandra
I would dearly love to be a little lighter and trimmer but at the end of the day - I am the person inside, and that is the same person who was inside the slim version of years ago. So I hope people will always take me for who I am and not the outer shell. I still have bouts of lacking self confidence but I hope I don't show it too often anymore.
It's funny though - many people who have known both versions say that I suit the more rounded shape. Normally it's the blokes and they are talking about the boobs though! Ho Hum!
I have just realised - I have probably just been talking a load of garbage that has no relevance to the topic.
Bigs hugs!
Alex x x x

Alex, I think you are just lovely as you are....
Quote by Alexandra
I have to admit that from the North West munch my lasting impression of you was a beautiful face, a great smile and a warm personality.
My second impression - was much the same but - such a great laugh too!
Big hugs,
Alex x x x x x

Thank you Alex kiss :kiss: :kiss:
Now about your rounded arse :giggle:
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Thank you for the compliments ladies and gents redface but that was not my point in the posting of my picture.
I am not saying I am proud to be big, I am proud to be me. It is only recently that I have been able to say that.
I will always remember a comment from one of our members. At the last NW munch I met someone that had become a good friend.
When we got home and back to pmming I said "See, I told you I was a big girl"
His reply was "I never noticed" biggrin
Dawn :silly:

Alright, who keeps pinching my lines? wink