Quote by Dawn_Mids
Call me what you like, a fat cow or a BBW.
I am a size 24
I am not that bothered but I would prefer it if you called me Dawn, because that is who I am.
<edit> I have now covered some of my face up</edit>
Quote by freckledbird
Apologies if someone's already said this but no, big is NOT always beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? So someone might look at me and think 'yuk fat cow' , then look at another larger lady and think 'wow'. It's more than a size issue, it's about perception of a person as a whole. I do think that some women use the BBW label incorrectly sometimes. It's very hard to say that thin people are nicer or fat people are nicer and restrict yourself to one or the other. Some larger ladies do get very defensive when turned down (seen it in chat rooms) and either end up pleading to be fucked or moaning and saying that the person is wrong/don't know what they're missing. Well, they aren't wrong. It's everyone's right to turn someone down on whatever grounds they like. Just because you're fat doesn't mean people should give you a chance because you're calling yourself BBW.
I do agree with you on the whole idea of the media portraying the idea that thin women are better. However, being a large lady hasn't stopped some women from being successful (Dawn French, Jo Brand, Alison Moyet). These women, and others, have the confidence to stand up and do what they do very well and sod what people think of them.
I'd shag Dawn French any day in preference to Kate Moss, but that's because I think that DF is lovely and KM is a bloody ugly cow, not because she's skinny.
Quote by freckledbird
God me too Wibbly.
Then again, skinnier women don't always feel confident either do they?
Quote by Alexandra
I would dearly love to be a little lighter and trimmer but at the end of the day - I am the person inside, and that is the same person who was inside the slim version of years ago. So I hope people will always take me for who I am and not the outer shell. I still have bouts of lacking self confidence but I hope I don't show it too often anymore.
It's funny though - many people who have known both versions say that I suit the more rounded shape. Normally it's the blokes and they are talking about the boobs though! Ho Hum!
I have just realised - I have probably just been talking a load of garbage that has no relevance to the topic.
Bigs hugs!
Alex x x x
Quote by Alexandra
I have to admit that from the North West munch my lasting impression of you was a beautiful face, a great smile and a warm personality.
My second impression - was much the same but - such a great laugh too!
Big hugs,
Alex x x x x x
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Thank you for the compliments ladies and gentsbut that was not my point in the posting of my picture.
I am not saying I am proud to be big, I am proud to be me. It is only recently that I have been able to say that.
I will always remember a comment from one of our members. At the last NW munch I met someone that had become a good friend.
When we got home and back to pmming I said "See, I told you I was a big girl"
His reply was "I never noticed"![]()
Dawn :silly: