My partner said in this thread that she has been described as a BBW. I wouldn't know if she is or not. I don't know what weight or dress size she fact, I don't want or need to know.
She is someone I met through this site and we started a relationship. Suddenly I fell in love with her...........and I accept her for what she is. A wonderful, gorgeous, sexy woman. Nothing more, nothing less.
Hey Dawn, nice pic, kudos! Been busy reading up how the heck you do that, don't know if this will work...
I have had a number of larger women friends, including sex partners, and there was a vast variety in their attitudes to their size. Some women like the BBW label, others hate it, some like talking about their problems with their size, others never want it mentioned. The largest woman I ever dated was probably the most passionate woman sexually I have ever known, but to stereotype large women as passionate would also be wrong. Large women are just....women!
OK this is me, all size 18 of me!!!(Thanks Dawn for all your help, sorry iI didnt understand it!!)
Very tasty Foxy Lady, got me well in the mood for some suspender twanging!
As someone told me only yesterday we are all unique, be it size, shape, looks, intellect, personality, mannerisms, humour, opinions etc AND its a combination of all of those that attracts (or not as the case may be) people to us or us to them. So I dont necessary agree with the Big is Beautiful motto, more like People are Beautiful.
OK im a size 10 (but havent always been) but I dont have a chip on my shoulder, far from it. Im extremely open minded and dont judge people from looks alone. Im bi and i have been with a woman who was approx. size 18 ish, i dont know exactly cos i didnt care nor asked her, she was lovely, fun and very enticing lol.
I do think in here thou that we are more laid back, realisitic and open minded about sizes, in the real world ie clothes shops I do think larger women get a raw deal and struggle to find more interestiing clothes in real sizes!