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Big nipples on you like them?

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Quote by Horous
Hides in Corner until safe to return to Forum

Are you saying that you are intimidated by moi?
Mais Non,
just had to keep something hidden for a while.
redface surprisedops:
If youre a fan of big nips would three medium sized ones make up for the lack of size?
depends where the third one is.. there has to be symmetry
does that mean pythagoras had three then?
Pythagorus? Didn't he have a square hippopotomus or something?
yaaaay! at last someone posts a "small is good" kinda thing! ;)
well mrs debbiewebs, as you can see, i have small, pert, perfectly formed little nipples, with not a hint of manboob!

you'll also notice that the merest hint of nipple play has them in a hardened, erect kinda state. i leave my nipples to make their own choices, but they seem to like it. :mrgreen:
n x x x ;)
Quote by neilinleeds
yaaaay! at last someone posts a "small is good" kinda thing! ;)
well mrs debbiewebs, as you can see, i have small, pert, perfectly formed little nipples, with not a hint of manboob!

you'll also notice that the merest hint of nipple play has them in a hardened, erect kinda state. i leave my nipples to make their own choices, but they seem to like it. :mrgreen:
n x x x ;)

All these piccies..... I am certain they should wing their way towards my inbox <hint> <hint> :rascal:
Large nipps don''t really do *that* much for me, it's more about the response you get from stimulation of them that is the thing I find attractive.
Neil's nipples are nice to play with cos the more you do with them the harder they get.
Men should not have big nipples, or sticky outty ones. They should just be little 5pence nipples....
Quote by blondie_cpl
Men should not have big nipples, or sticky outty ones. They should just be little 5pence nipples....

Armed with that information, I'm sure we'll all do our very best to become as we should be. rolleyes
Quote by Debbiewebs
men do you like your nipples being played with?

Unfortunately not - they're too sensitive in an uncomfortable/painful way, and I get little erotica feeling from them. I do envy those women, like my current GF, who can come purely from nipple manipulation. Mind you, some women's bodies have more erogenous zones than a pomegranate has pips...
What I find curious, and maybe this is worth of another thread, is how some women get off on tit-fucking without any nipple contact. Again, my GF, although only a C-cup so she has to lean over me for a titfuck, can come from my squeezing (gently!) her tits against my dick and thrusting between them. This was the case with a previous GF, and I've no reason to suspect either is doing it just to please me as I don't really get much out of it. Is this unusual?
Mr Licks
Who cares if it is's fun anyhoo!
Quote by Debbiewebs
And killing to birds with one stone here! rolleyes
men do you like your nipples being played with?

Nope, have to say they do fuck all for me other than to give me a guide that there are two buttons on my shirt left to do up.
Well not being fussy, i just like nipples lol
Hmmm mens nipples - not overly fussed to be honest. Think it'd be off putting if they were bigger than mine though ewww :shock:
Happy to play with em though if required! Certainly would feel somewhat robbed if sexual partner neglected mine mad
Quote by Debbiewebs
Do you like them?.....have to say i dont!...much prefer womens :twisted: :twisted:
And killing to birds with one stone here! rolleyes
men do you like your nipples being played with?

Love my nipples being played wih biggrin
Didn't know that any men have big nipples though???
Quote by sexyjess23
Hmmm mens nipples - not overly fussed to be honest. Think it'd be off putting if they were bigger than mine though ewww :shock:
Happy to play with em though if required! Certainly would feel somewhat robbed if sexual partner neglected mine mad

Oh, I can't see there being any danger of that sexyjess23 ... surely not?
ermmm no not on men :shock: