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big woman and jobs?

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bit of a odd question but does anyone here think size affects getting jobs? i've been unemployed for six months now ( even though hubby got good job so money not really a point) and i'm bored silly. over the last few months i have applied for over sixty jobs and have had a few interviews but thats it silch.... nothing not even a thanks but no thanks.
i am a size 18 and am beginning to wonder if its my size thats preventing me from getting a job as all jobs ive applied for ive got all the necessary qualifications and experiance so cant think what else i can put it down to.
i go in to an interview in suits with cv and all references etc but still coming away empty handed. has anyone else had such problems etc?
love Lou x
Hi Lou, sorry to hear about your situation. I don't know why you haven't managed to find a job but I would hope that it wouldn't be anything to do with your weight, as obviously this is discrimination!
My advice would be is ask for feedback - any decent employer should be happy to discuss briefly with you the reasons why you did not get the job. Hopefully they can give you some pointers, which may help you in future applications.
I wish you luck!
ach well, i just found out i didn't get the job i went for the other day- came in the top ten in interview, but it was down to the sheer numbers of applicants- 256 applicants and 64 interviewed.
I'm putting it down to me not doing anything wrong, but someone else just being that bit better than me!
Well, i'm trying to tell myslef that one lol
I don't think it could be down to your weight, more just that someone else had that little extra something
Sometimes the more knock-backs you get, the harder it is to stay positive, but unfortunately staying positive is the one thing you need to do!
Have you chatted to a careers advisor etc?
M xx
I know that size does matter if you want to be airline crew.
I suggest you ask for feed back as has already been suggest.
Also, basic things, like turning up on time for the interview, correctly dressed, clean and tidy etc etc, looking interviewer in the eye, shaking hands etc
Good luck for the future
I'm certain that in some situations size will matter. Just as hair colour, skin colour, facial hair etc etc will affect matters with some interviewers... according to occupational psychologists anyway. But I seriously doubt you would be unlucky enough to find 60 odd who all let such factors cloud their it a tough field you're applying for maybe?
Important thing is to keep postive, and walk into future interviews knowing that you deserve the job smile
Sorry to hear about yours Maz....just have to keep practising on those rubgy boys then? :twisted:
well, didn't think my chances were too high anyway so was over the moon about the final 10 part!
there's always pizza hut......................
Ask for feed back BUT please, please do not phone and ask. Put it in wrighting and be polite.
Good luck.
Phredd xxxx
will take all advice sometimes i think because i am concious about my size that others pick up on it. it does get a bit deflating sometimes when one knock back after another comes my way plus theres only so many times you can clean a flipping house before you get seriously fed up (also explains why im always on here lol).
Lou x
If you are looking for a job because you're bored (as opposed to for financial reasons) have you considered volunteer work? Anything to save you from excessive housework!
selfishly quite liked having my own money (not the same as asking your hubby for money for new knickers lol) even cleaning jobs are hard to get round here. im not even fussy anymore (then again never been that fussy redface ).
obvious solution i know 'lose weight' and im really trying hard and losing it slowly but i still find it quite sad when people feel they have to lose weight to be accepted. even though its not said aloud it is the case for some people.
Lou x
I would doubt it has anything to do with your size. It could be that nerves and/or a lack of confidence are coming through during the actual interview dunno
This is where I always let myself down is at the interview stage. They scare me silly and I feel really on the spot so that all the things I had planned to say just zoom off into the distance and I draw a blank confused
i'm a size 18 and i have a job, i work in a ware house so probabily do a more pysically demanding job than most people on here, i don't see my size as a problem when it comes to my job and nor do my employers, infact its a bit of a plus when it comes to moving heavy items lol i'm not quite sure why i'm not a size 8 :shock: confused
Maybe some jobs what a load of dolly birds to look at but i know for a fact not all of them smile
Your next boss needs to be size 18 also. Then you can swap clothes ! :P
Quote by wxmcpl
will take all advice sometimes i think because i am concious about my size that others pick up on it. it does get a bit deflating sometimes when one knock back after another comes my way plus theres only so many times you can clean a flipping house before you get seriously fed up (also explains why im always on here lol).
Lou x

Although you can't be discriminated on grounds of size - of course it is possible, if the interview panel is made up of health consious, excersise fanatics then they may hold the opinion that if you are over weight then you are more prone to weight related illness and time off. As far as I'm aware though this is not actually allowed to be a factor when choosing a candidate. If you feel you have preformed well in interview it would be worth getting some advise from CAB (or similar) and finding out exactley what the employment law is, then write requesting all interview notes - if they have scribbled comments on your weight you may then be able to claim on grounds of discrimination.
It is far more likely that you are subconsiously thinking about this stubbling block before the interview - and the worry and stress you are putting on yourself is preventing you from preforming in the interview as well as you could. Have you thought about registering with an employment agency - once they have interviewed you they should be able to give you really good feedback on your interview technique, and let you know if you are projecting a feeling of lack of confidence.
Les x
Hi there i too have been in the same situation all being a long time ago.
I agree with some when they say that you are not comfy with your size and so its another thing playing on your mind, plus all the other stuff, nerves etc.. getting there, getting the right outfit for the interveiw etc..
Why not try working for yourself.. i did and never looked back you mentioned you would do cleaning well thats a start maybe get some cards or flyers printed offering a cleaning service, start small hand deliver them , you could do house cleans, etc beleive me there is money in this...... anyway i hope you get sorted soon.
in my own case when i decided that it really doesnt matter about my size i sort of gave off a confidence which others pick up on, the food didnt matter too much and the weight started comeing off when i started working and had other things to think of.
I still struggle with my weight but it doesnt rule my life anymore.
i hope this comes across in the good faith it was written in GOOD LUCK
Not wanting to sound off here..
You say you have applied for lots but only had a few interviews? Surely this answers your question in a way, how can they tell from the application unless your sending a full length picture too.. Maybe your worrying too much about one thing which itself affects how your coming accross? Be confident..... your a nice person with skills to match so a job is there for you without a doubt.
Hope it helps if only a little, sorry if abrupt in anyway.
Mike x
thanks mike probably is me ( no confidence etc) but last interview i actually fell of the flipping chair ( on wheels and shot off from underneath me) redface , can laugh now but was'nt quite so funny at the time- i feel i should of got the job just for making the man interviewing me piss himself (then again a flash of granny knickers may not have helped - having my bridget jones moment) .
ta pepps for that idea :- dont suppose anyone wants cleaners do they? open to offers and suggestions here.
love lou x
wxmcpl, I'm a big lass and have always done ok, got the jobs I really wanted. Unless you are applying for the Clinique counter at Debenhams or to be a Gym Instructor I don't imagine your weight will have come into it much (not that it should really with any job) but if you are conscious of your size then its always going to come across in your interview technique.
It is the only time I ever wear heels and makeup, just as an extra layer of armour duel biggrin
Oh Lou, that made me laugh and think about all the silly things thats happened to me in interviews.
Im always a bag of nerves in interviews, I always take some water with me cos my lips stick together. At the end of one intervew one of the panel looked up and said, I drank so much water they though it was going to come outta my ears!
Another where I wore a new dress...when I came out of the interview my friend told me it was seethrough. No wonder the vicar on the panel wanted to give me the job!! Then to cap that one off, I shook hands with all 7 (yes bluddy 7 people on the panel), then for some reason I started to shake hands with them all again!!
Anyway, chin up.... be positive, answer all the criteria it states in the Job Spec/description and give examples of your experiences and be honest if you dont have experience in something that they ask for but state you are willing to undergo training.... you should at least get an interview if you anwser what they want to hear.
No advice for the actualt interview Im afraid, Im crap at them....
Good luck....
interviews do leave a lot to be desired thinking long and hard about it all of mine have been disasters, the one with the chair another one i think my top was a bit too low cut the person who interviewed me spent most of his time staring at my boobs ( still didnt get the job!!)
has anyone else had any nightmare interviews or is it just that im a prime example of disaster?
Lou xx
I don't think its just you love, everyone has one bad interview. The worst one I had was when I was going to see a bigger rival firm and they pumped me for info about where I was working for a full hour with no intention of offering me a job at the end of it. However, I knew from the first couple of questions that it was a waste of time so I fed them this line about how we were going paperless and that we were all being trained on voice recognition so all the secretaries could be sacked!! Their jaws hit the floor and I almost laughed lol
Just keep on applying and going to the interviews and something will come up, it really always does. A deep breath, a firm handshake and a friendly smile usually say more about you in the first 2 minutes of meeting an interviewer than anything else you say in the interview.
why don't you join a job club? they can conduct mock interviews, help with application forms et.
it may be that if you are just looking for ANY job rather than A particular job, that may come across on your application form and stop you from even getting an interview.
as for size, no i don't thnk it does BUT the interviewers own judgement will be affected by their own opinions and they will, for the good or the bad, l use that to choose a candidate.
Quote by wxmcpl
even cleaning jobs are hard to get round here.

That might be your answer then - more job seekers than vacancies!
maybe you need coaching in interview techniques , how to seduce your prospective employer , if you would like to know more please ask . xx
At size 18 (unless you are only 4'8") I doubt it is your size.
If you were some degree bigger it is possible.
Should it matter - no!
Does it matter - to some - yes!
Just as some people will avoid employing people with certain accents to answer the phone - some people think that large/overweight people are will make poor employees. It is their belief that people are fat because they are lazy - so therefore they will be lazy workers.
Sad but true.
There are also some who think a larger person cannot look presentable to the same degree as a slimmer person.
Again - sad but true.
At size 18 (unless you are only 4'8") I doubt it is your size.
. rolleyes
Just a thought....
I don't know what your prefered field of work might be, but might you consider..wait for it...
care work?
Im in that field, though being rather skinny, size doesnt affect in quite the same way.
We do have some quite lrge people for/with us.. either on the staff team, or on the agency cover-lists...
so size, it appears is not an issue, as long as general good health, and the right attitude are there...
give it a few moments thought...
I wish I'd found this field of work years ago!!!
i've applied for a job in a care home this morning so fingers crossed biggrin , something ive never thought about doing but hey nothing to lose.
Good Luck to you...
it can be very rewarding work...
I work with people who have learning disbilities.. a field I hadnt considered before... buthad been advised to give it a try... apart from the usual gripes (management its great....
again... good luck!
Quote by wxmcpl
i've applied for a job in a care home this morning so fingers crossed biggrin , something ive never thought about doing but hey nothing to lose.

I did care work for years and was a lot bigger than i am now when i started, so you should be ok wink