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Bit o techy help

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My BB connection is going screwy :S It was totally fine until last nite, then wouldn't let me connection at all. I reset all the settings, and I can get onto MSN Messenger, etc, but the actual internet wont work, which doesnt make sense to me at all. I'm using Pipex as my ISP, a wireless BB modem/router and a software firewall. Never had any probs before, any ideas? At the mo its working ok, but I dont trust it....
update - i can get onto THIS site, but not onto any others. MSN and are still fine. add me to msn if u can help!!
Have you switched off your modem and router? If not try that. Leave them off for 30 seconds and switch back on. Modem then router. Other than that, maybe the settings in your softeware firewall have gone screwy or maybe it's just a case of your ISP having routing problems that will clear up as mysteriously as they started...
Ive restarted many times biggrin also hard booted the modem/router. nothing works, except these forums for some bizarre reason, and MSN. im seriously confused.
Can you access things by ip?
Ala, for
Could just be your isps dns being a bit dodgy today.
out of interest ive just installed Firefox, sent to me through MSN by a friend. it seems to be working fine.....I give up *cries*
Lol, at least it works though.
And firefox is much nicer than ie anyway biggrin