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bit of a interesting friday night for me.....

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well while some of you were having fun at blues party i had a bit of an incident last night...
i got a bit of a shoeing of 3 blokes last night....... sad :( :( :(
well i never went down.. and i have a bit of a puffy eye this morning....but other than that i am fine... a bit shocked but fine......
so if i have a bit of a black eye at the NE munch you know why....
sean xxxxxxxxxxxxx
i would have taken them one by one... but 3 is even too many for me!!!! smile :) :) :)
Fabio hun ouch! kiss :therethere:
Thats awful,im glad that your mainly ok though,did you get a good look at them?
got a good look at one of them.. two other ones hit me from the side and from behind....
typical of the police to turn up five minutes after they had all gone... but there were enough people who saw what happened.....
my first worry was if i was bleeding.. which i wasn't.... then my next thought was the black
Sorry to hear about this Fabio,there are some real wankers about mad
Hope your feeling better soon :therethere:
Glad it wasn`t more serious. Had a mate done over recently (a case of mistaken identity) and he had some serious damage done, nearly lost his eye.
What the fuck are some people thinking?! mad
well there was a group of 10 lads just abusing everyone and i went outside to stick up for everyone...
funny thing is they were so "hard".. they said they would take me one by one, then they all took pot shots... i thing the scary thing for them is that i didn't go down...
didn't even think about how dangerous it was.. we more concerned about whether they had cut me......
My god thats horrible news... can't believe people would do that... especialy in front of other people who witnessed it!!! Did anyone come to your rescue? (other than the police 5 minutes too late).
Awwwww thats totally uncalled for!! Im really totally against violence the world is full of such fucking stupid fucking wankers!!
Hope it doesnt hurt too much and you got somebody to give you a wee bit of pampering after that!! :(
Take care XXXXX
Fabio sweetie :therethere:
Hope you are ok hunni kiss
Dont start me off about the police please cause round here they take 22 hours to respond to 999 calls!!.... Waste of space they are...
Quote by fabio grooverider
well while some of you were having fun at blues party i had a bit of an incident last night...
i got a bit of a shoeing of 3 blokes last night....... sad :( :( :(
sean xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fabio, do hope you feel better very soon kiss
Our youngest son (19) was attacked outside a nightclub recently and suffered a fractured wrist, multiple bruises and cuts to his face, arms and ribs.
The police have done absolutely nothing about it, even though he was pounced on by a group of 10 youths and within range of a street cctv camera which captured the whole scene mad :x
Take care.
Ah Sean - come here babes - passionkiss Hope you are feeling okay today. :therethere:
Quote by RedHot
The police have done absolutely nothing about it, even though he was pounced on by a group of 10 youths and within range of a street cctv camera which captured the whole scene mad :x
Take care.

The police tend not to be interested unless they see it happen... or the story becomes newsworthy... i.e. get yourself on TV and the police have to do something. If it isn't an open and shut case they don't care... and unfortunately CCTV isn't what people think its cracked up to be... too easy to get off in court.
You can gaurentee that the club won't be interested either.... especialy if the bouncers are the burger eating variety.
Sorry to hear about that... the number of people who you hear about in random violence attacks is quite shocking these days.
Main thing is that apart from the black eye, you are safe and well but it does go to demonstrate that you have to be always on guard. It's sad to say that there seem to be so many more nutters out there these days.
A few years back, must be almost 10 now, my sister's ex-husband was on his way home from work one evening and just waiting for a bus. He noticed a woman who seemed to be upset about something so went over to see if he could help, next thing he knows a few of her mates show up and demand his wallet from him and one of them even had a samurai sword! He hit the one nearest him and legged it and fortunately they didn't follow.
Really sorry to hear about last night. I guess we have all been there at some point and it's pretty dreadful when it happens. Really glad to hear that you are not too badly hurt.
Very best wishes from both of us and we hope your weekend brightens up and you have some fun.
Will and Sappho
(PS you could always try going for the sympathy vote wink, Will)
There's some REAL Tossers out there.... mad :x :x
Let me at 'em :sparring: :kick: :fuckinghell: duel ..... or maybe I'll just do 'em with my strap-on, seeing as I'm on a roll......... good and hard :rascal: :hunk: hump
Seriously though.... hope you are well, and that you're back on full form very soon :therethere:
Really sorry to hear about what happened Fabio xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Take care
Love Corriexx
The world is full of violent morons mad
I cycle a lot & round here that makes you a target. Apart from the abuse shouted I've had stones, bottle & even a shopping trolley thrown at me as I pass. The most recent stepped out & tried to hit me in the face with a bottle. After I got off (having had enough) & kicked his head in he asked "What the fuck did you do that for?" !?!?!?!?!
BUT - from personal experience it is NEVER a good idea to stand up to a crowd of these tossers on your own. That's when they fell at their cockiest and are most likely to actually fight back. And if you do win you'll be the one getting arrested because they'll run to the police faster than a virgin shoots his bolt the first time wink
And yet, those of us who swing are picked out as being fraks, weirdoes and a threat to society. Go figure.
Anyway, feel better soon, mate.
Sorry to hear that Fabio. I consider myself lucky not to have been thumped over the years (touch wood I hope I'm not tempting fate here!!), but there are some complete idiots around. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Likewise sorry to hear about your incident, god there are some sad b****rds about! Sounds like you held your own anyway...hope the eye isn't too bad!
Sorry to hear that buddy :shock:
In my job they try to gas you then rob you!!
Stay cool cool
fucking hell sean! quality night out then eh? rolleyes
glad to hear you're fine. was looking forward to seeing you at blues last night. you'd stil have been in pain today, but of a more pleasant kind! ;)
good luck with the NE munch mate.
neil x x x ;)
You had a good nite out then sean wink
Pleased to hear that apart form you black eye you' re okay :thumbup:
You can come to my rescue anytime :rascal:
Lucy kiss
Quote by fabio grooverider
well while some of you were having fun at blues party i had a bit of an incident last night...
i got a bit of a shoeing of 3 blokes last night....... sad :( :( :(
well i never went down.. and i have a bit of a puffy eye this morning....but other than that i am fine... a bit shocked but fine......
so if i have a bit of a black eye at the NE munch you know why....
sean xxxxxxxxxxxxx
i would have taken them one by one... but 3 is even too many for me!!!! smile :) :) :)

That's terrible!!! Hope you're ok now, chicken licken. Big, big hugs to you :therethere:
I am sorry to hear that Fabio redface .
I hate violence of any kind :taz: and wish you a speedy recovery.
Here is a kiss to make it better kiss
See you at the North East Munch.
Hope you are feeling better today Fabio x
Just to add my wishes that I hope you are OK after your scuffle.
It's commendable that you went to stick up for other people but personally I think that against such odds you maybe should have thought twice.
I was a bit of a tear-away in my youth and being 6'5" and 18 stone figured I could handle myself. I never ran from a fight and won a few and lost a few, and never really thought too much of it.
A few years ago a friend of mine was kicked to death outside a nightclub in Blackburn up against similar odds to your self last Friday.
Now descretion is the better part of valour and if I am on my own I will be the first off on my toes.
I would hate the same thing to have happened to you or anybody else.
Again I hope you are ok, my friend, take care and I sincerely hope you dont have to go thru that again.
That's terrible but I'm glad you are okay.
Take care
Sean, hope you are feeling better mate!
Regards LC
i hope you're making a grand recovery fabio.... physically AND emotionally, it must have been such a shock. thinking of you, take care.
Sean! How many times have been told! Not to smile when out at night.biggrin
If you did not smile then you would not have been spotted(seen).:shock:
Typical could never keep your mouth
(I debated posting this reply, I konw sean was in very bad situation and could have been seriously hurt. Thank god it never came to that)
Hope you are ok now