I can count the ones i've seen on this site and still have many fingers left! :cry:
Quote by chocmadam
...........are there ANY white males who like to swing with black femaleson this site?
I can count the ones i've seen on this site and still have many fingers left! :cry:
Quote by chocmadam
...........are there ANY white males who like to swing with black femaleson this site?
I can count the ones i've seen on this site and still have many fingers left! :cry:
Quote by chocmadam
...........are there ANY white males who like to swing with black femaleson this site?
I can count the ones i've seen on this site and still have many fingers left! :cry:
Quote by yuugiri
Unfortunaltely you couldn't have asked at a worse time-For me anyway as i'm just recovering from an operation, and if i so much has get a hard on i rip my stitches.... :upset:
Quote by freckledbird
hiya choc could you add me to your list of guys. it doesnt matter to me what your ethnic oragin is as long as you are freindly and fun to be around, do you have an ad at all what area you from?