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Blogs - Belle de Jour for example

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I've just read in the Mail that a book is being published based on the weblog of a Working Girl. This is the first time I've heard of this happening with just one blog and wondered if anyone here has followed the Belle de Jour blog, any others or even has one of their own?
The book is being published anonymously although a couple of journos have been outed in the press as the blog authors (along the same lines as Primary Colors was).....both parties have denied it but views are divided on whether the WG in question is just a fictional charcter (think Bridget Jones with punters) or the real thing.
Maybe I'm missing something but my limited experience of blogs has been that they are musings deserving an "Oh" at best and overly analytical wallowings of highly dreary proportions at worst.
Does anyone have a better experience of them than mine?
I know I'm going to sound like a senile old fart, but wtf is "blogs"? dunno
An online Diary which anyone can read, for want of a better term. Comes from weB LOG.
Ice Pie, get back to Songs of Praise and stop leaving your zimmer in the youngsters threads! lol bolt
P.S. It also stands for Boring Load Of Guff, but that's just my opinion :twisted:
Quote by Serendipity
Ice Pie, get back to Songs of Praise and stop leaving your zimmer in the youngsters threads! lol bolt
P.S. It also stands for Boring Load Of Guff, but that's just my opinion :twisted:

I prefer your derivation....
Quote by JQL
An online Diary which anyone can read, for want of a better term. Comes from weB LOG.

I thank you. smile
Probably the biggest Blog site is:
Many blogs are pretty boring, but one that I found that was brilliantly witty and observant was True Porn Clerk Stories, a diary written by Ali Davis, a woman working at the counter of a porn store in Chicago. It can be found at:

I have a blog hosted by LiveJournal. It's a great way of releasing any pent up issues you might have with the world around you. I have quite a following for mine too - it's read by people in America and Australia as well as the UK.
Quote by Mr Writer
I have a blog hosted by LiveJournal. It's a great way of releasing any pent up issues you might have with the world around you. I have quite a following for mine too - it's read by people in America and Australia as well as the UK.

You can't tell us that without giving us the link.
Come on, we're waiting rolleyes
Quote by Libra-Love
I have a blog hosted by LiveJournal. It's a great way of releasing any pent up issues you might have with the world around you. I have quite a following for mine too - it's read by people in America and Australia as well as the UK.

You can't tell us that without giving us the link.
Come on, we're waiting rolleyes
There's not a cat in hell's chance of me revealing the URL on here.
They're great free therapy indeed. I've done one for the last couple of weeks and they're habit forming.
It's like anything else though: you'll like 10%, hate 10% and the other 80% pass you by.
Bear in mind that if you do find a blog for somebody on here (myself and Mr Writer included) that they're public and therefore comments about this place wouldn't be the best bet in some cases.
Not that there's anything wrong with here but the outside world just isn't ready for you lot !! :twisted: lol
i gotta blog
bloody great way of getting stuff off your chest and posting crap that makes me laugh
theirs something that appeals to my nosey nature about reading other peoples blogs
I blog myself on LiveJournal, and nearly had a fit when the darn thing was down for over 24hrs sad *cries*
It's just a nice thing to have. I tried keeping paper diaries but never managed it. I have managed to keep an online diary in various places for about 7 years now.
Quote by phil-99
I blog myself on LiveJournal, and nearly had a fit when the darn thing was down for over 24hrs sad *cries*
It's just a nice thing to have. I tried keeping paper diaries but never managed it. I have managed to keep an online diary in various places for about 7 years now.

paper diaries are dangerous
i have loads
but fun to sit and read and remember .especially the ones from my teens
Quote by redstilletto
paper diaries are dangerous
i have loads
but fun to sit and read and remember .especially the ones from my teens

Online diaries are worse - think who might stumble over it one day. It's my own darn fault for starting off so honest and putting my name on it. I've had someone from work claim to find it and make a comment anonymously, and ever since I've been paranoid about posting anything work related...
Mind you, it's hardly controversial what I write smile
The worst thing is when I look back at the diaries of when I started uni. Ye gods I was a whingey little git. How did I ever get through the day?
Well, I had no idea there were such a bunch of old bloggers in here lol wink I'm really, genuinely surprised that so many people keep, how do I phrase this politely as no offence is intended.....
What do you write about that someone on the other side of the world really find interesting enough to come back for more? It can't have the interactive nature of a forum so why do people read blogs??
Quote by Serendipity
Well, I had no idea there were such a bunch of old bloggers in here lol wink I'm really, genuinely surprised that so many people keep, how do I phrase this politely as no offence is intended.....
What do you write about that someone on the other side of the world really find interesting enough to come back for more? It can't have the interactive nature of a forum so why do people read blogs??

me i just write under a false name
post lots of pictures and try to keep it funny
2nd one i have is mostly just erotic stuff stories ive written and pictures i find a turn on
have 50 odd subscribers .................
I write 3 different weblogs, and the oldest of which is about 2 years. There are a variety of different reasons why people blog, and at last count there were over 4 million of them (blogs and reasons).
Some people do use them as an online diary, and they use them in the same way that they'd use any other diary, just this one is online. Other people will blog because they are observers on a particular industry for example, and like to keep people up to date with what is happening in that particular industry. Others will write blogs because they see it as a way of increasing the visibility of their company, or the products that they sell. Yet others find them a very useful way to publish information very quickly and easily. An increasing number of newspapers and other news/media resources are using a weblog format to make information available.
One of the most important ways that weblogs can be used is to get information out to a wide audience very quickly - there have been several very moving weblogs about the tsunami and its aftermath, and one well known blog was written by someone in Iraq during the war.
Why do people want to read them? Because they're interested in the person who wrote it, their lifestyle or what they have to say. One could also ask the question - why read the Forum postings? The answer you give will be almost exactly the same as someone who reads someone else's weblog.
They are an interesting phenomena and will become increasingly important in the years ahead - I could go into a lot of reasons as to why this is the case, but trust me, they will be. If you're interested in writing one, is a good one, as is LiveJournal or the Microsoft MSN Spaces project. If you're interested in reading them, is also a good resource.
You're right in your interpretation that they're often the ramblings of people who just want to write, but that's only a small part of the story - they're much bigger and more important than that. If you want to know more, feel free to pm me.
There is also a very entertaining blog by someone called "Soul Starlette", who occasionally posts in here under the nic "daisy saisy", and has met up with people from here, according to her (discreet) blog. If she reads this, where is the link to your pics?
:taz: :bounce: :taz: :bounce:
Yes! I got one too.
I have one. It`s about two years old, which I use when I need to....reads like a road accident rolleyes . It`s in a passworded room however, and I know who has access. Can`t post about the SH lifestyle however....
Maybe I should start a new one under a psuedonom. there`s some pretty relevent stuff I`ve learnt from here!
I`ll have the bang please :mrgreen: