or perhaps they both suck?
yep they both suck lol...
But.. well... its just soo difficult to tell them apart...
You do know that Anthony and Declan is an anagram of Geordie Bi-couple..?
Errrr Let me think about this hmmmm Blowjob
This is a bit tricky..
One the one hand.. there is Ant and Dec (after all, they are only tiny)
on the other.. a geordie bi-couple
and on the other... a blow job
Suppose I took one hand away.. leaving only two(?) & tossed them both..?
mmmm ant and dec
Wonderknobhead, which 1 do you want??
how about a blow job while watching ant and dec
how about a blow job with the telly turned OFF
libra best you let them know so they can decide which one they prefer to use
how about Ant and Dec give each other a blow job just to prove how much they really do suck, in the mean time i turn the telly off and go to La Chambre!! :twisted: