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I have just spent 2 and a half hours behind 93 billion caravans to do an 87 mile journey !!!
I am told....... its because they are all Swingers, off for a dirty bank holiday week-end !!
So, does anyone know the name of the caravan park :lickface: ???? lol
Looks like summer is here !!!
Quote by blonde

So, does anyone know the name of the caravan park :lickface: ???? lol
Looks like summer is here !!!

Swinger's Haven ????

Damn we,ve just sold ours !!! :doh:
Well I know something's going on in Skeggy, I think this weekend, so could be that. Alternatively, you got stuck behind the caravan club.
That's why I prefer trains, only things you gotta worry bout with them on bank holiday's is the hordes of OAPs who carry bags way too large for healthy people, and the students who invade every inch of the carriage and get drunk. confused
But why go anywhere when you can sleep in lol
Quote by dambuster

So, does anyone know the name of the caravan park :lickface: ???? lol
Looks like summer is here !!!

Swinger's Haven ????
LOL............... thats the one !!!!
is one nr us not sure if there many swingers there though then there's the old haven at towyn we met a few swingers there hump and by the way we in scarborough 20 aug so blast just in case let us know lololol
Quote by Scandal
I have just spent 2 and a half hours behind 93 billion caravans to do an 87 mile journey !!!

Are you sure you weren't driving down a railway track? lol
No Railway track !!!!
All caravans should be banned until after midnight and b4 6am........ !!!
stepping off the soap box now !
No carvans for me, tho was a fair few police speed checking and "cruising" on my way home...
What seems to happen is that any sniff of a Bank Holiday & it's "lets get the caravan out my dear".
I always find the worst to be tractors & lorries who create a long queue behind them & do not have the common courtesy to pull over & let folk past, they always seem to appear around rush hour too :!: :!:
I wonder if they have competitions between themselves to how many cars they can have in a queue confused:
The WHOOSH Manâ„¢
Whoosh, I thought you were in Africa at the moment. Surely a caravan out where you are would comprise of a string of camels? lol
Quote by MikeNorth
Whoosh, I thought you were in Africa at the moment. Surely a caravan out where you are would comprise of a string of camels? lol

Camels doing 40 miles an hour is acceptable............... bluddy caravans............ are not !!!
Quote by blonde
Camels doing 40 miles an hour is acceptable............... bluddy caravans............ are not !!!

So it's the caravans giving you the hump, is it, blonde? lol
Quote by MikeNorth
Camels doing 40 miles an hour is acceptable............... bluddy caravans............ are not !!!

So it's the caravans giving you the hump, is it, blonde? lol
Don't talk to me about bloody camels!! confused :? :? :? :lol: :lol: wink
Quote by acetates
everyone welcome at my place soon,the floor nearly done and my house warming is coming up,anyone wishing to attend a small party ....naturists given firts choice couples....the the others lol
this is a serious proposition so get writing

Oi.... who ever u are................. u r thingying my thread........ sod
In my job (trucker) I've been doing up to 150,000kms a year in the UK and Europe and I can tell you it's the same all over when there's a public holiday. Yep.
Today, every idiot and his son has been out on the road. rolleyes :roll:
Caravans need to be treated with great caution, believe me. I'm not inferring that their drivers are idiots, just that for a few short weeks they're gonna hitch up and hit the road for the happy hols season. The thing is that they're often a bit nervous at suddenly pulling this thing behind them because they're not used to it.
In fairness they have their problems. For example, it can't be much fun being overtaken by a big truck and buffeted around as it goes past although I have to admit that it's quite amusing to watch the sideways lurch in your wing mirror! :twisted: :twisted:
What we should all remember (and this applies to all categories of road user) is that the "idiot" in front of you is someone's much loved mother, father, son, daughter, wife, husband, lover, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, cousin, etc., etc.,................... and we all make mistakes from time to time 'cos we're all human and therefore fallible.
But yeah, that said, they are frustrating. banghead So are cyclists. :shock: :shock: In fact anyone who gets in the way and slows you down (if you feel that and you're driving a car, imagine how it feels when you're driving a truck and you lose all your momentum, then everyone in the cars behind you is gonna be cursing you! Not fair is it? innocent
Oh well, ho hum. Let's all try and be a bit more tolerant. wink :wink: When we eventually reach gridlock in this country we'll all be able to rediscover the joys of socialising with our neighbours in the traffic jam. It's not all bad! :cheers:
Quote by redstilletto
redstilletto has a caravan

Erm................could you change your avatar? It's just, it's :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:
The old one was soooooooooooooooooo much better.
Ouch! Ok, ok, I'm gone! wink lol
Quote by Eagerslut9
redstilletto has a caravan

Erm................could you change your avatar? It's just, it's :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:
The old one was soooooooooooooooooo much better.
Ouch! Ok, ok, I'm gone! wink lol

change my av
why dont you fancy me anymore
god im hurt now
sticks head in waste bin and sulks
ive had so many pms
to change it
Quote by redstilletto
redstilletto has a caravan

Were you out in it today ???
Were you going West to East ???
I hate you !!!!
Quote by blonde
redstilletto has a caravan

Were you out in it today ???
Were you going West to East ???
I hate you !!!!

no red was stuck in work all day
like fook
but i do go out n about in it
i think i head east
you know ya love me really
Well there you go !!! Its raining !!!
Justice for me at last !!!.................... happy bank holiday weekend....... to all the WET caravan people.......
Quote by blonde
Well there you go !!! Its raining !!!
Justice for me at last !!!.................... happy bank holiday weekend....... to all the WET caravan people.......

Pretty miserable here today as well.........................supposed to brighten up tomorrow though! biggrin
Caravans? CARAVANS??????? mad banghead :x :banghead:
Don't get me started!!!! :x :x :x
On my way up to Shropshire last night I was stuck behind God knows how many of the bloody things. I normally leave Berkshire on a Friday evening and get up here late. It avoids all the rush hour traffic that way. Yesterday evening I had to be here early as there was something on at Sappho Junior's school and she had particularly asked her mum if I would come along (:shocksmile. I was delighted to be asked and agreed with enthusiasm. I set off early.
All went well up the M40 (accident near Oxford, short hold up). The M42 was ok. I took the M5 round Birmingham to avoid the busy part of the M6 and eventually got to the M54. So far, beautifully on schedule.
Then the M54 runs out and becomes the A5. DISASTER! Every caravan for hundreds of miles appeared to be on this road and heading for North Wales. The queue at each roundabout was unbelievable.
End result: a journey that routinely takes me two and a half hours took me just short of FOUR!! Livid is scarcely the word. Personally, I think that blonde's suggestion is an excellent one. Caravans should only travel between midnight and 6 am. Every single one I saw was being towed by someone who looked far too boring to be doing anything more interesting at that time of night! (I feel I should apologise here to any friends of mine who happen to have a caravan. Needless to say, you are not included in my comments here).
Now, I very rarely swear, but I 'phoned Sappho from the car and just yelled obscenities down the 'phone to get it off my chest. She just giggled!
Thank you blonde for starting this thread kiss, and thank you everyone else for being patient while I gave vent to my pent up fury!! I told you you shouldn't get me started!
Will - all sweetness and light again now.
One good thing about caravans is watching one when it gets into a speed induced weave on the motorway.
Seeing it get worse & worse until all the driver can do is stick his head up his arse and pray!!!
Have you ever seen one and then driven passed when it is back under control?
How WHITE is that driver's face?!!!
Hee hee.
I bet the inside of the car smells for a while afterwards!!!
Quote by littlemee
One good thing about caravans is watching one when it gets into a speed induced weave on the motorway.
Seeing it get worse & worse until all the driver can do is stick his head up his arse and pray!!!
Have you ever seen one and then driven passed when it is back under control?
How WHITE is that driver's face?!!!
Hee hee.
I bet the inside of the car smells for a while afterwards!!!

Oh yeh......Thats really funny that is.........NOT...
I tow a 25ft caravan behind my 4x4(summat else for you all to flame me for eh....driving a 4x4) and can tell you that I was stuck in traffic on Friday night going south on the M5 and can anybody guess what the cause was??.......
Tosspot car drivers not looking where they are going and having accidents and cutting across from the fast lane to exit the motorway when they just pass the 200m board and generally behaving like animals.....
I saw plenty of other caravans but all were happily plodding along doing the legal maximum of 60 mph causing no grief to anyone.....
And as for being wet.........Nah.....
Pissed it down with a massive thunder storm Saturday night and none of us got wet in our double glazed centrally heated caravan..... smile
Aaahhh but Steve you forgot to mention the fact that both Saturday and Sunday we were baking in the glorious sunshine :smile2:
Bloody lovely it was too biggrin
Oh and littlemee I would imagine that most of the time when a caravan starts to weave it's because some prat in a car seems to think that it's fine to get right up the arse of a caravan thereby reducing it's stability... mad Please people take note... The closer you get to a caravan the more you reduce it's stability and therefore the driver will slow down.... It's not rocket science, just the same as trying to cut infront of a caravan and then wonder why the driver is gesticulating at you... It's because he is towing over a tonne in weight (1.5 tonnes in our case) behind their vehicle and therefore cant do emergency stops.....
Quote by Shireen_Mids
Oh and littlemee I would imagine that most of the time when a caravan starts to weave it's because some prat in a car seems to think that it's fine to get right up the arse of a caravan thereby reducing it's stability... mad Please people take note... The closer you get to a caravan the more you reduce it's stability and therefore the driver will slow down.... It's not rocket science, just the same as trying to cut infront of a caravan and then wonder why the driver is gesticulating at you... It's because he is towing over a tonne in weight (1.5 tonnes in our case) behind their vehicle and therefore cant do emergency stops.....

Prat being the operative word for the idiots (wont use the word I would like to use) who think it is quite funny to put peoples lives at risk by trying to put the caravan into a snake. all I can say, is grow up!
We have been caravanning in this country and on the continent for over 10 years and only find that the traffic jams are blamed on caravans in this country. You go to France, Belgium, Holland or Germany and you have no problems. Drivers know how to overtake safely without trying to cause an accident and they allow for the extra lenght of the van and car.
The only time we have had any problem is in this country and is usually by the small minded people who think caravans cause all the traffic jams. A well matched car and van can easily keep up with the flow of traffic on any motorway or any other side roads (allowing for the lower speed limit of 60 on motorways), the problem comes when an arrogant driver tries to overtake without checking what is in front, they drive up your arse, flashing their lights and then try to get past you not allowing enough space between them and the van. When the van starts to shake they think its funny. Its not funny and it is very dangerous both for the idiot overtaking and for the people in tow car.
As for vans causing traffic jams, the Highways Agency ran a test last year on certain stretches of the M5 where anyone towing (namely caravans) could only use the inside lane. They are running the same test again this year because last year it was proved that the caravans wer NOT the cause of the jams! Seems they are trying to make the evidence fit their needs! Perhaps some of the people who made earlier posts on this thread work for the Highways agency (whoops, sorry, forgot that is generalising)
So all you people who think it is funny to call caravanners, please do not be so narrow minded to think that all of us cause problems. Its like me saying everyone who has a red cars drive like a maniac - its not true and unfair to generalise. Do all truck drivers cause jams (they only drive at the same speed as caravans)? You also need to think of the extra income generated by the caravanners - £15k to buy the van, another £15k for the tow vehicle, then all the extra insurance premiums, all the extra duty paid on fuel and all the money they spend at the places they visit over the weekends etc etc etc.
Caravanners, on the whole, are sensible people and if they are causing a trafic jam, they will pull over and allow traffic to over take, when was the last time you saw a car do that?