But Bilko,You did the same , yes?
Blue-ain`t seen no posts from her since site was updated/changed?????? icon_
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Sgt Bilko
Site Moderator
Joined: 10 Dec 2003
Posts: 8140
Location: SH HQ
PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 6:33 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Blue left to start a new site!! icon_ icon_ icon_ icon_
Sgt Bilko
Shit, I wish I could do them boxes
Does anybody make any sense of all that before if get deleted?
Mollie x x x
I'm surprised I havn't been deleted. There was a post which I tried to reply to. My post wasn't locked. It just vanished.
Somebody, sorry - my heartfeltt apoligies for not remembering who you are. - asked about somebody who had disaperared from here. I made a comment in public. Here, ok? In this forum.
My comment wasn't locked - so that everybody could still see it. I just went into thin air. I disappeared completely. Let me repeat. Maybe. If I don't vanish agaiin. My comment wasn''t locked. It was just removed. Nobody, including me, has any idea what I said.
I don't dare give you a paper trail but start with something here. ME.
Mollie x x x
Maidinheaven, I am going to lock this thread because it is not making any sense at all,
If you have a concern, pm me the details of the thread and I will look to see what has happened to your post.