Why do some people in here go on about how much sex they are getting (either with other members here, or more generally). Is it necessary? Is it at least partly to wind-up those in here who aren't getting very much sex, or none at all? Of course I'm not talking about posts in topics directly connected to discussion of say, frequency or variety of sexual activity, but there do seem to be many references that are not necessary here and do not contribute anything to the general fun or discussions in here, and are sometimes irritating.
Is it possible for people to be more discreet, or is going on about it part of the turn-on?
I must add that I'm speaking purely as a neutral observer - this is not a whinge...honestly...
I'm aware I might get shot down in flames for this, but there might also be some who agree with me.
I'm with you on this one Mike.... We dont see the need to tell everyone about our sexual conquests... Each to their own though I suppose....
Sesame Street, can't beat a good session with big bird :twisted:
yeah stop boasting about sex when we aint getting none
I dont notice any undue boasting on this site!!!
I suppose it natural if you have a good session with someone that you mention or refer to it. Not to do so would be to deny that it happened almost, though of course discretion should still be observed.
Perhaps Mike you notice it more than most?
Try sleeping in occassionaly it might help !!!! lol
Okay, okay, I'll eat my (vegetarian) humble pie right now. (And I'll certainly not start an (intended) serious thread on a Saturday night again.) I was not referring to people being indiscreet without the consent of other parties, I was not referring to almost everything that anyone on this thread thought I was referring to. Carry on just as before, everyone.
I was looking at certain threads around munches and parties, but I'm certainly not going to be specific about threads, posts, or people. And thanks Shireen, and the few others who tried to take what I said seriously.
Sorry Mike,I couldnt resist it :therethere: