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Boasting about sex

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45 replies
6 watchers
Why do some people in here go on about how much sex they are getting (either with other members here, or more generally). Is it necessary? Is it at least partly to wind-up those in here who aren't getting very much sex, or none at all? Of course I'm not talking about posts in topics directly connected to discussion of say, frequency or variety of sexual activity, but there do seem to be many references that are not necessary here and do not contribute anything to the general fun or discussions in here, and are sometimes irritating.
Is it possible for people to be more discreet, or is going on about it part of the turn-on?
I must add that I'm speaking purely as a neutral observer - this is not a whinge...honestly...
I'm aware I might get shot down in flames for this, but there might also be some who agree with me.
I'm with you on this one Mike.... We dont see the need to tell everyone about our sexual conquests... Each to their own though I suppose....
awe mike, it sounds like ur sexually fustrated. confused But i guess people do it to feel good about themselves...most are perhaps lying!
btw oh im soo good im the best ever really its true im super fly it is true you can ask all me mates and EVERYTHING im just great confused im the best fook in the world .... :? ok maybe not but it could happen lol
Quote by Chaotic_Spirit
lol biggrin u muppet x

hey ernie ??? ........... ...what bert?
ernie you there ??
yea bert
Quote by rachel-lane
lol biggrin u muppet x

hey ernie ??? ........... ...what bert?
ernie you there ??
yea bert
oh god, what did that children's programme used to be calleD?
Sesame Street, can't beat a good session with big bird :twisted:
Quote by tilestho
Sesame Street, can't beat a good session with big bird :twisted:

im not even going into the bo-selecta world with the lettie mmmm and the lettie eyee and the lettie ceee and the lettie jacko you get the rest of the picture lol
Quote by MikeNorth
Why do some people in here go on about how much sex they are getting (either with other members here, or more generally). Is it necessary? Is it at least partly to wind-up those in here who aren't getting very much sex, or none at all? Of course I'm not talking about posts in topics directly connected to discussion of say, frequency or variety of sexual activity, but there do seem to be many references that are not necessary here and do not contribute anything to the general fun or discussions in here, and are sometimes irritating.
Is it possible for people to be more discreet, or is going on about it part of the turn-on?
I must add that I'm speaking purely as a neutral observer - this is not a whinge...honestly...
I'm aware I might get shot down in flames for this, but there might also be some who agree with me.

Geez, you lot - instant hi-jack!! (Shireen excepted). Serious point this.
I'm probably not the best judge at the mo' 'cos I haven't been on much lately. Is it really that bad? Seems to me to be one of the least offensive types of behaviour and, for this site, it is right on topic after all. I'll turn me sex boasting antennae on and see if it changes me mind.
lol rache, you still awake smile
figured by now you be either out a partyin or well restin
yeah stop boasting about sex when we aint getting none
Quote by kristof
lol rache, you still awake smile
figured by now you be either out a partyin or well restin

spent out this weekend now so no more partys and ill rest when im cremated lol
Quote by redstilletto
yeah stop boasting about sex when we aint getting none

too darn right, im on a baron run at the mo.... :cry:
Hey I've not had sex since dec28, before that dec12 and before that arround haloween, and before that probably 6-12 months previous... but then again i'm a fussy selective bugger and like to be known for my copious amounts of pent up spunk, feck the next person time I cum I could white wash half of nottingham lol :lol: :lol:
You'll have to tell me when that time comes, make sure i got my umberalla up if im nears notts way...though most likely won't be on the wrong side of the tracks for some time biggrin
Quote by Chaotic_Spirit
You'll have to tell me when that time comes, make sure i got my umberalla up if im nears notts way...though most likely won't be on the wrong side of the tracks for some time biggrin

Well seeing as ilson (as the locals call it) is inbetween notts n derby, I'll let you know when I'm about to cum as I'll probably get 1/4 notts and 1/4 derby covered :P
I have this really strange immage of notts and derby covered with white stuff, and alled jones singing "they're walkin in the air...." but with slightly different lyrics :lol:
Well should we all make a consience effort to boast about how we are not getting any? We could go along the lines of...
Oh me and me missues were soo horny last night that we just layed there alllll night long. Made a loverly cuppa in the morning and went to work on time. lol
If we don't boast about sex then I'm sure people will be referencing their balls an awful lot more. I suppose in the ladies cases they may reference our balls also. :shock:
I've not seen it but I'll do my darndest to make sure everybody knows I'm not getting any. evil
I dont notice any undue boasting on this site!!!
I suppose it natural if you have a good session with someone that you mention or refer to it. Not to do so would be to deny that it happened almost, though of course discretion should still be observed.
Perhaps Mike you notice it more than most?
Try sleeping in occassionaly it might help !!!! lol
Quote by piercedJon
Hey I've not had sex since dec28, before that dec12 and before that arround haloween, and before that probably 6-12 months previous... but then again i'm a fussy selective bugger and like to be known for my copious amounts of pent up spunk, feck the next person time I cum I could white wash half of nottingham lol :lol: :lol:

Feel free to point it my way Jon wink :twisted: cool
Quote by MikeNorth
Why do some people in here go on about how much sex they are getting (either with other members here, or more generally). Is it necessary? Is it at least partly to wind-up those in here who aren't getting very much sex, or none at all? Of course I'm not talking about posts in topics directly connected to discussion of say, frequency or variety of sexual activity, but there do seem to be many references that are not necessary here and do not contribute anything to the general fun or discussions in here, and are sometimes irritating.
Is it possible for people to be more discreet, or is going on about it part of the turn-on?
I must add that I'm speaking purely as a neutral observer - this is not a whinge...honestly...
I'm aware I might get shot down in flames for this, but there might also be some who agree with me.

Not sure what you are referring to tbh. I can't say I have seen much blatant "boasting"at all. But then there is a chance I haven't been reading the same threads as you. dunno
The "discretion"comment seems to me, to be a different issue perhaps? Personally I have no problems with some posts that you might feel were non discretionary, purely becuase in my time on here I have come to realise that those posts are almost always made with full consent of the other party/parties. I guess it does come down to the fact that we are a very large and diverse community on here and what one person or persons may enjoy, may not necessarily "float another one's boat".
aRSexx :color:
I've gone away and considered this one, and I can't pick out anyone who I consider to be boasting about their conquests confused . Yes, we talk about sex a lot, and some of us talk about the people we shag and the things we get up to... but it is a swingers site, it is one place in the world where we can talk openly and honestly about all issues to do with swinging and not be considered pervs for it (well, we are pervs, but you know what I mean wink ). Sorry Mike, but this type of behaviour isn't boasting, it is natural for people who like sex! There may be an exhibitionist element to some people talking about their sexual lives, but hey..... posting pics about it is much better :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
People can talk about sex as much as they like and boast about it too if they want! The only objection to this last sentense is that if you are mentioning specific people from here or people who can be identified then you much have their permission - but I think people on here are very good about being discreet anyways.
And the stories are a great way to really boast about what you've been doing!!!!
I really can't see the problem.
Quote by MikeNorth
Why do some people in here go on about how much sex they are getting (either with other members here, or more generally). Is it necessary? Is it at least partly to wind-up those in here who aren't getting very much sex, or none at all? Of course I'm not talking about posts in topics directly connected to discussion of say, frequency or variety of sexual activity, but there do seem to be many references that are not necessary here and do not contribute anything to the general fun or discussions in here, and are sometimes irritating.
Is it possible for people to be more discreet, or is going on about it part of the turn-on?
I must add that I'm speaking purely as a neutral observer - this is not a whinge...honestly...
I'm aware I might get shot down in flames for this, but there might also be some who agree with me.

What about the other point of view?
It can be a real turn off listening to people moan about how little they get. I noticed you haven't picked up on those comments popping up and there are more "I am not getting any" comments on here than "damn I have not eaten for a week due to all the shagging I have been doing". lol :lol: :lol: wink
But on a slightly more serious note.... people talk to eachother about their social/recreational activities : going down the pub, playing sport, parties, holidays, travel. On a site such as this there are bound to be people having sex as a social/recreational activity. Is it boasting or just conversation with like minded people?
Maybe if you gave some examples of comments you felt were boasting it would be easier to consider where you are coming from.
So not the best place to mention im getting loads then :giggle:
And its goooooood :smug:
Ok ill just bolt
Quote by Clare_Lincs
So not the best place to mention im getting loads then :giggle:
And its goooooood :smug:
Ok ill just bolt

did you have too sad
now I feel down again, bi-weekly sex aint good, but then again its sure as hell is an improvement on quarterly ( if lucky ) so I think I will stop me moaning :P
Well in that case here is a blatant boast.......i had a great night last night.....naming no names.....can't wait for the next time! hump
Okay, okay, I'll eat my (vegetarian) humble pie right now. (And I'll certainly not start an (intended) serious thread on a Saturday night again.) I was not referring to people being indiscreet without the consent of other parties, I was not referring to almost everything that anyone on this thread thought I was referring to. Carry on just as before, everyone.
I was looking at certain threads around munches and parties, but I'm certainly not going to be specific about threads, posts, or people. And thanks Shireen, and the few others who tried to take what I said seriously.
Sorry Mike,I couldnt resist it :therethere:
Quote by MikeNorth
Okay, okay, I'll eat my (vegetarian) humble pie right now. (And I'll certainly not start an (intended) serious thread on a Saturday night again.) I was not referring to people being indiscreet without the consent of other parties, I was not referring to almost everything that anyone on this thread thought I was referring to. Carry on just as before, everyone.
I was looking at certain threads around munches and parties, but I'm certainly not going to be specific about threads, posts, or people. And thanks Shireen, and the few others who tried to take what I said seriously.

Oh bugger. That mean this thread is done then? I hate it when I miss the good ones! For what it`s worth Mike, I thought it was an interesting question. kiss