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Bolt-on Birthday Bash (a Munch Thank you)

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Well as no-one else has started one yet, I guess I'll have to. rolleyes
for such a great night. kiss
Short and to the point I thought. :giggle:
Oh and Countess would like to know who the guy in the kilt was? ..... :smitten:
Yes a great big thankyou, even though I was only there a short time it was great to finally put faces, and other bits!, to some of the names.
thank you for a great night Jackie and a big thank you to everyone else involved in organising it.
hey was our first munch and had a great laugh and a good dance thanx steve and jackie
Us 2 would like to say thank you to jackie, a great night and met lots of nice peeps.
Thanks Jackie, MikeC, NWC wink , gingerjoe, squeaky-clean, (hope you come to another or Cupids soon) pm us, and those who also said hi to us. XX
See you all soon if not before.
G & B
Special thanks to Redmancgirl and the 'gang' for last night, it was a brilliant evening, and one which wont be forgotten for a very long time.
Really want to say a big thanks to all the people I chatted with (that was probably most of the room) and thanks for all the snogs. I wont name everyone or the post will be three foot long, as it was a room full of brilliant, fantastic fun people who I actually love spending time with. However I do have to mention Gazbone :thumbup: and Rose and Paul kiss
Just shows that we can be very drunk and very well behavied when we want to be wink and apologies to Leonie for Mr NWC getting down on his knees and proposing (but if you want him, let me know and I will start packing his stuff) lol
Well where do I start......What a fantastic night.
Big Big thanks to all that came along last night, and really special thanks to all that brought me cards / pressies, it was very unexpected, but such a lovely suprise to have on the night.
Happy Birthday again to Fektart, Susie and Pebbles, hope you enjoy your presents.
Thanks to Kazswallows, for again producing such fantastic badges for the night, you are a star.
Thanks to Earthchild, my security for organising all the door people, you all did a great job, MikeC, AngelChat, Mistress_Sassy, Bleep and Sexkittenhfx, big snogs to you all.
Adam & Leonie, for organising all the music, you two are going to be missed sooooo much when you leave off on your travels.
It is such a pleasure to organise a night like last night, and see so many faces, new friends and old friends, having a really fun and enjoying yourselves so much. I feel proud to be a part of this community.
Big kisses to you all, and watch this space for the next one!!!!!! They want us back!!!!!!!
Quote by easy
Well as no-one else has started one yet, I guess I'll have to. rolleyes
for such a great night. kiss
Short and to the point I thought. :giggle:
Oh and Countess would like to know who the guy in the kilt was? ..... :smitten:

I know the guy in the kilt! :twisted: Whats its worth to know!
Countess sweetheart, i hope you dont still smell of brandy! I cant beleive i just dropped a whole drink over you! If i hadnt been such a lady i might have had to lick it all up! lol
Thankyou Redgirlmanc and helpers for organising last night had a great time. Just got back to Wolves and will add more when i wake up lol
Red thank you for a brilliant night and the prezzies. It wasn't necessary but loved all the same kiss (especially my bear).
Thank you to the munch crew, the door staff, security and Adam our dj. Also to Hux and sexy susie our friends and traveling buddies. :kiss:
There were lots of familiar faces are in no particular order a big hug and snog to all those I met, chastely kissed and spent time with -
Adam&Leonie, (great music and happy travelling), NWC, gingerjo&lee, the tart and celery, sassy, earthy, Kinky (yup I will get that drink lol), squeaky (great to meet you, yes there is a lot of us in a small area :lolsmile, bLEEp, Dimps, fun-lovin (you are mad I tells ya), suze and bart, Pebs and Demon (long time no see - no tongues :lol:), barryandrozzy (lots of hugs), omar (I finally know what you look like now hehehe), redfire (as sexy as ever), Mike, alljust, GP (glad you could make it, shame you couldn't stay longer), angel and tinker, big big big snogs :kiss:
Sorry if I missed anyone out, you can punish me later :rascal:
Oh and a big thankyou for all those that put up with me asking them to stroke my bear..........
:lol: :lol:
See you all soon
kaz xxxxxxxx
Thanks to all for a great night kiss
thank you so much to all the organisers, GREAT nite!!! :thumbup:
thanks to nwc for the lift there (sorry to mr nwc for the phone conversation this morning lol ) and mrs nwc, don`t forget the coffee .
stesaz........ thanks for the doubles wink fantastic to see you both again (can`t wait for wigan).
to the "diamond" geezer mr hornypus and the sexy mrs hornypus :rose: good to see you both :wink:
to roverman..........................laura says "thanks for the shower" :kick: phill says :cheers:
to everyone else, happy :swingingchair:
First of all...i would like to offer my apologiese to my roomies for waking them up early....also to some other for my phone going off at a very intimate moment smile
it wasnt my fault :)
Anyway I would like to thank those of you that came and made Redgirls party go with a bang. It was great to see lots of you there. It was great to see new faces as well(as well as new bums).
First complaint goes to the certain female that managed to kick my ribs.,.....revenge dear girl i will have revenge.
Easy and Countess what can i say but nice to see you both again.
The Tart and Cel always loverly to see yo both.
Demon and Pebs it has been a long time
Sexykiteen, i hope you enjoyed your messages
i managed to sleep on train on way home also.
finally back home in hartlepool and am fooking knackered, 2nights of very little sleep for various different reasons takes it out of a girl.
Massive thanks to Jackie for arranging a fantastic night
thanks to those that volunteered for the door, MikeC (even if we did have to threaten you away from the football to do your duties) Sassy and Angel, Sexkitten and Bleep, thanks guys you were brill
massive thanks to everyone that turned up and proved that we can be behaved at a much you made my night very hassle free.
thanks to all the house guests for all the chats and laughs
i need more sleep
Earthy xx
thanks to everyone who helped jackie out last night
and jackie babes a big thanks for a enjoyable evening we had a great night
thanks jo x
thanks for a great evening.
Nice to finally meet people!
Hope to see you all again soon.
Noladreams30 xx
Thanks Jackie for a great evening.
Thanks to Jackie and co for a fab night biggrin It was brilliant to see so many people enjoying themselves, even without karaoke lol
It was great to speak to so many people (although I still managed to miss loads of people that I wanted to meet and speak to :cry: I was going to name names, but I've decided against it as I always miss someone important out, and I did have some very interesting conversations last night ;) :twisted:
Jackie, if you're organising another already, please can I go on the list again :lol:
Forgot to post earlier, but someone left a George coat at the venue last night, its black , about thight leght with a belt. If its yours, I have it at mine, so drop me a PM.
oo i think i know who that coat might belong to!
id like to say thanks to jackie for a great night and to my fellow door people :thumbup:
it was great to catch up with my friends and hopefully i made some new ones along the way...even tho i was quiet and sober :shock:
thank you especially to my 3 messengers.....kiss
Thank you so much, Jackie. It was a great first munch for us and so easy to chat to everyone. Met quite a few face-to-names. Luckily mikec wasnt the face i was expecting! Look forward to meeting you lovely people again! Sorry we missed your departure Gazbon.
Thanks again for a brilliant evening.
Jane and Paul
biggrin :D :D :D
Thanks RGM and all her helpers for a great night.
The pressies and card were a wonderful and totally unexpected surprise.
It was lovely to catch up with people who it feels like we haven't seen in an age and meet people who we didn't know before.
Thanks to a certain few people who put up with us gatecrashing redface biggrin and taking up sleep space and no doubt being noisy sleepers too! surprisedops: You were all brilliant.
RGM you're a total star!
thankyou xx
hi all ,
jackie what a night , well done to u and all your little helpers.
to all that said hi thank you for that,for all i didnt say hi too sorry, and i was alittle drunk so sorry to all i fell over . hope to see u all soon
take care
tinabell xxxxxx
Thanks Jackie for a great evening, and also thanks for the brilliant directions - we arrived safely and didnt get lost once (and thats a record).
Was great to see our friends and meet some peeps we hadnt met before...
A great night...
Suze & Bart xx
just wanted to say thanks jackie for an amazing eve AGAIN! were going to miss you all so so much but werell b back.
Was great to meet new people again and see some great old faces
Quote by leonie&adam
........... great old faces

OI! who you calling old? :taz:
:P lol
Really really sad that we missed it. :cry:
Glad you all had a fab time!! :cheers:
Sam & Steve xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Jackie thanks again for our 1st brill munch we really enjoyed it and everyone was so friendly biggrin We would like to say a massive thankyou to philstarchoozy the sexy beasts :happy: for looking after us. we,d also like to thank stesar,Tinkerbell-tiger and big widnes for welcoming us into their company. Hope to see you all again soon x