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Mars is in the house. Make him post!!!!
MARSSSSSSSSSS where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu........
how did u do that so fast ? dunno
MARS!!!!!!! Hunni!!!!!!.......
How are you babe?
Don't be shy now !!! biggrin
Quote by JudyTV
Post something mars hunni, humour her. you know it makes sense.

nothing makes sense in this house !!!!!!!! biggrin :D lol :lol:
Quote by VenusnMars
Post something mars hunni, humour her. you know it makes sense.

nothing makes sense in this house !!!!!!!! biggrin :D lol :lol:
Woohoo a post from Mars ...... smile
Hiya wave
Quote by DreamerHelen
MARS!!!!!!! Hunni!!!!!!.......
How are you babe?

hi hun im fine :boo:
Mars !!!!! keep talking !!!!!!! biggrin :D :D
Quote by Calista
Post something mars hunni, humour her. you know it makes sense.

nothing makes sense in this house !!!!!!!! biggrin :D lol :lol:
Woohoo a post from Mars ...... smile
Hiya wave
hi and thanks
love the avatar wink
Quote by VenusnMars
hi and thanks
love the avatar wink

Thanks biggrin
Quote by MrsFC
Mars !!!!! keep talking !!!!!!! biggrin :D :D

Too late, all the excitement of this just exploded. :shock:
OMG, I won`t do that to him again. He just killed the site! :shock:
Painful, so very very painful............... lol
Mars did i miss Mars,omg he was here and now he's gone,where????? confused
Mars let yourself out(or has Venus still got you under the bed??)
Come on Mars dont be shy come meet us all
Mars,dont let them fool a female safer in the box,ive just fineshed a night shift and my box is ready and waiting.
Poor bugger, I made sure he spent time on here last night, but he couldn`t concentrate on posting whilst the kids were up. One of whom stays up almost as late as he, so by the time she disappeared he was really tired.
After a couple of hours I asked him if he`d posted.
Go on post, you`ll get a good response.
But I can`t jump in on the threads (it can be tough when you have to try to get a foot in on already established threads)
Start one then, you`ll get a good response
But I don`t know what to say
Say anything, be yourself, you don`t have a problem talking, just talk
Look, if you don`t post NOONE will lilke you,we`ll NEVER FIT IN, and I`ll divorce you :twisted: *snigger*
So I waited until he went to make a coffee and started one for him!
Now you HAVE to post, or it`ll be RUDE!
Then we discover he can`t bloody type or spell anyway! lol
But it was funny, we both laughed biggrin
But I can`t jump in on the threads (it can be tough when you have to try to get a foot in on already established threads)

Know how he feels there!
It does get easier, I felt a little lost when I came back after an illness. Didn`t have a bloody clue what was going on, so I spammed The Cafe with my own crap!
Still do! lol
Welcome to the site smile
It does get easier, I felt a little lost when I came back after an illness. Didn`t have a bloody clue what was going on, so I spammed The Cafe with my own crap!

Hope you're all fine and dandy now biggrin
Thanks for the Welcome :haha:
Quote by VenusnMars
It does get easier, I felt a little lost when I came back after an illness. Didn`t have a bloody clue what was going on, so I spammed The Cafe with my own crap!

The week that I started prolific posting was the week before I had my op .... I'd been a member for about 3 weeks and hardly said boo to anyone!
starting with saying hi to people helps and it does get easier .....
now I can't stop posting!!!!
Mars, listen to Timmy, and get back in your box poke lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm sure everyone must think I mistreat him - oh well :twisted: