I love my boobs! I fondle them quite regularly especially when I'm on the phone (sorry mum!)
I'm 42D lightful x
I also love other women's boobs!!! (I think I :love: you foxy!!)
Funnily enough we were discussing boobie sizes last night.
Although I quite like mine (34DD), when a friend of mine was thinking of getting implants to increase hers from a B to a DD there were a few disadvantages I pointed out to her:
As I'm quite small and have a smallish frame it's always been a problem
Choice in clothes
There are losts of little strappy tops I'd love to be able to wear, but anything that can't be worn with a bra is a no no for me.
Dresses are a problem as I'm a size 12/14 on top but have a size 8 ass
Can't wear blouses as if it fastens across my boobies then the shoulder seams are halfway down my arms
Cost of Underwear
Bras & bikinis - my smaller boobied friends can pick up a decent bikini for less than £10. For me it's at least £50 a time.
I'd be interested to see what those with smaller boobies feel are the disadvantages as well.
Not sure it's allowed (open worship!) but... midscplfun... you're fab! I so wish I could stay logged on to chat on my Mac just to gaze at you! (it's the flippin' erratic broadband I have I think that's causing the problem!).
It's ok I'm not a stalker (honest), just complimenting you on your style x
Reading my post again, sounds a bit stalker like!!! :shock:
But I always compliment others cos it's how it should be! And a boobies thread is tantamount to an aphrodisiac to boob lovers anywhere!