I've just given up trying to get into/register for the Chatroom. I was only curious because I'm home and bored anyway.
Why I am home alone and bored? It's seems ages now since I joined SwingingHeaven looking for parties. I have this fantasy - warm, comfortable rooms, maybe a spa pool, good music, wine and the bright people I've got to know in The Cafe. The rest of the fantasy I will save until I'm in bed.
In fairness a very sweet, young SwH gent gave me the most wonderful time in Sheffield where he 'squired' me expertly around La Chambre. We remain in touch, but just the two of us. And a group of lovely gentlemen here in Norfolk entertained me deliriously one winter afternoon but that group seems to have fallen apart a bit. Each of the gentlemen in turn approached me later, and very flatteringly, on an individual basis but the group thing somehow didn't happen again.
I am no spring chicken but all of my 'adult' contacts have been most complimentary - having no car and only a bicycle ensures a certain level of slimness and fitness.
Oh yeah - I'm single. Totally.
HELP ME! Entertain me! Please please please you single guys, don't get in touch saying 'I'm new to this but I could bring a mate'. Please please please don't get in touch and promise me lovely, sexy group action action but 'first just the two of us need to get together to make sure'. I have spent a lot of time since January up those blind allies.
I just want to go to a party. I'll be good, I promise. Very good. I live in Norwich.