Ok, here i am sitting in front of the computer not really doing anything, and have probably been not doing very much infront of my computer for quite a while!! This is usual behaviour for me when im bored, i seem to start by sending a few emails and listening to music, then realise about 3 hours later i've been sat in the same spot doing not very much, maybe a bit of email badgering with my friends, some useless ebay searching, more email checking and well thats about it...
What do you do when your bored? Do you also find you can get lost in an odd time warp..?
I do the same as you at times - I wouldn't always call it boredom tho. I enjoy browsing, chilling and people watching - even its on-line forums like this one.
I try not to get bored an find something to do that's keeps me occupied - like hobbies etc.
I can certainly got lost with time on the computer - the whole world at your finger tips. I like to play on-line games at times and that really eats ya time up!
Go out for a run or a bike ride or ride my Yamaha R1,where i live in Spain we don't have any speed cams.
or ponder the lockability of them
Take my Spitty out and try and pull a young bird. or take my moggy out and try and pull an older bird. Usually dont pull anything except my
If I'm online bored I usually clean up at Texas Hold 'em. But being truly bored is quite a rarity.
I doodle....have been known to cover a whole sheet in doodle before now.