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Bra or No bra!!!!

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Obviously no bra vote for me.
Not just that I dont wear one, but I do so enjoy watching ladies that don't too! :twisted:
Definately bra for me.
I wouldn't wanrt to risk the boobage droop when I'm older, and my boobs look much better with than without.
They're only a 34 D,and staying upright so far, so I can go without, but wouldn't want to.
There is nothing worse than the Charlie Dimmock look IMHO!
One thing I have never worn is a sports bra- I used to be a double A cup when I was really training, and never needed a proper sports bra. When I had to stop, they ballooned and are still (hopefully) growing!
Now I'm back at training, it is impossible with them bouncing about- gymnasts aren't supposed to have boobs- so I really should invest in a proper sports bra, rather than wearing my posh ones! lol
ps- i don't have enough boobage for the pencil test :cry:
m xx
Quote by Dawnie
Got to be a bra for me, dont fancy 2 black eyes :shock:

Yes you do because I don't want you giving me black eyes either rotflmao
Dawnie, you and half of SH would have black eyes if I risked going bra less.
Sod the pencil test, I can hide the pencil case, the ruler and the staple gun under them, but at least I will never drown - built in water-wings lol
Quote by Cherrytree
bra for me. I wouldn't inflict my unfettered 36 E norks on anyone. lol
Sorry guys.... I'm unblae to gvie any imtellimugent rpley to tihs trhed as I'm to bsuy pevrin prfeoils
Normal service will be resumed when rpm's eyes pop back into his head! :shock:
I voted bra, without a doubt as with 34FF you need something to keep them where they should be and they just look nicer in sexy bra. Plus what would I go shopping for if I didn't buy and wear sexy bras and matching knicks.
I do have the problem that a few other woman mentioned of red marks soemtimes so need to get in touch with little witch to find the magic bras lol.
My only other problem that no one else seems to have is that my left breast is almost a cup size bigger so always bulges out have to search very careful for a bra that minimises me looking like an alien with 3 or more tits lol.
Although I do have a breast free Sunday when my boobs get a rest from being captivated, I try to keep them happy lol.
Quote by Ruthandswede
My only other problem that no one else seems to have is that my left breast is almost a cup size bigger

Ditto - and my doc says that most people are this way lol
aw thank you Cherry I am not a freak then lol
Quote by Cherrytree
My only other problem that no one else seems to have is that my left breast is almost a cup size bigger

Ditto - and my doc says that most people are this way lol
I guess that's why Sat-Nav was invented... stop peeps going around in circles!
...OK, I'll get my coat! bolt