The murder of a wpc and wounding of another in Bradford is so sad and shocking. :cry:
We all owe a debt of gratitude to the Police officers who face these kind of dangers on our behalf.
The members of this site come from all walks of life, of course, and do an enormous range of jobs in order to earn a living. As some of you will know, there are a number of Police Officers amongst the membership, and to those (if you should read this) I'd like to say that your efforts to police an increasingly barbaric society in order to try to ensure the safety of everyone are appreciated.
Totally agree - brother in law is a copper in London and some of the stuff he sees, does and often can't really talk about would frighten most people to death but even so they still get a load of grief from people who really should know better. My thoughts are with the families of the officers involved and I just hope that the scum responsible are caught and some form of justice is done.
Doesn't this put all this hoohar over the change of ownership of this site into perspective!
My thoughts and prayers are with her family and the families of all those who put themselves at risk for the sake of others.
God Bless
As a taxpayer, one feels the protection one receives comes at too high a price. One can only feel sorry for those kids left behind.
my heart does go out to her family and friends....
i will make this statement though which i feel very strongly about....
to those who know about firearms and the damage they can do im not trying to teach your grandma to suck eggs...
to those who dont....
there are twice as many firearms in this country...owned illegally as there are legal owned ones......
the 1s who own them legally "know" the dangers involved and how to keep it safe or as safe as can be....
the others have no regard for the inherant dangers and hence todays tragedy has occured.....
as my dad taught me when i was young ....only the person holding the gun is safe or dangerous....the gun itself is an inanimate object.....
unfortunately this brave WPC found that out like countless others before her......and this will continue as illegal firearms are available readily on the black market....
i echo ES on this .............
The saddet thing about this is that the policewoman would have been going home to her daughter's birthday party. How do you tell a child her mother went to work, but won't be coming home again. Such a tregedy affecting 2 families.
my heart goes out to the families of those brave wps's one of who's life were taken needlessly for a few quid
i wish they could feel the endless pain that the sudden death of a loved one causes a pain that can never be taken away :cry:
im glad we aint got the death penalty anymore but jail is to easy for scum like that they should be locked in an empty cell & fed bread & water till the end of there days
An uneccessary waste of a life ...........if the resourses available had been used practically instead of holding back she would still be here.
It's sad to see the loss of life like this. I just hope they have got the right people and not jumped in and rounded up the likely suspects.
No offence to anyone but I think the police force are run by morons. Aren't they supposed to pair off experienced and inexperienced together or something? I know of a woman with young children who rang the police to say that there was someone in the house. Nothing was done. She had to ring a neighbour to come and scare whoever it was away. The police turned up 7 hours later to take a statement. She told them to eff off. I know they're meant to be under-resourced but I mean 7 hours? She could have been /killed. What a joke.
I don't have much respect for the police but its still a sad thing to read about. I hope they get the right people and prosecute them, and not mess up the investigation so the the culprits get off on some technicality. I hope nobody is offended by anything I've written here.
Great post as usual Eager, and I echo your sentiments exactly, our Police Force do a fantastic Job and I for one would not like to be in their shoes in these times.
Thank you for bringing this up.