The thread on here this morning about sweets from when we were younger got me thinking...
Marathon changed to Snickers
Opel Fruits to Starburst
in another field
Jif to Cif
anbody know any others and the reasons why?
was it just to make them the same as the rest of Europe and therefore cheaper packaging?
I remember when Munchies changed to Brekkies (you'll need to have owned cats for that one!).
Still with all the talk on here about breakfast and the ongoing munch threads, I fear it could all get a bit confusing!
Oh - and they do it to realign brand properties and market position - packaging's a very small part of the overall equasion (spot the product marketing bloke!)
on a slightly different tac - how is a company like hoover allowed to be called its products name? purely beacuse they invented them?
Don't they have jiffi's as well...................
Jiffi, the thinking mans condom
or.......... If you've got a stiffy put it in a Jiffi :grin:
M & Ms used to be Treets.
The Vauxhall Nova had to change to its European name...... as Nova in Spanish means..... doesn't go....... lol.....
Although Germany did have the VW Rabbit for a while...... the early model of the Golf... i think.... lol
The Mitsubishi Starion was supposed to be the Stallion.... but was mis-heard by the promotions team..... lol
equi-princess xxx
Nova (in Spanish "Doesn't Go" ) was changed to Corsa (Spanish for "It Runs")
3M standsfor MInnesota Mining and Manufacturing